21 || hugs

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He rarely hugs you, to be honest. But he knows when you need his hugs. Everytime you are feeling down or not feeling well, he will be there for you with his comforting hugs.

He wouldn't tell you but he actually loves to hold you in his arms.

R I C K   F L A G

You are a cuddly person and he doesn't complain about it. You love to wrap your arms around his torso and put your head against his chest, while he being a lot taller than you--- he will rests his chin on your head. This kind of hug position is your favourite.

You thought that being in his arms is the safest place that you'll ever be.


He loves to hug you from behind. You'll usually jump a bit and squeal, making he chuckles at you. He will comes behind you and casually hug you. You'll put your hands on his arms and smiles at his loving gesture, hoping that you two would stay forever.

K I L L E R    C R O C

He was afraid to hug you, at first. But you were always the one who come and hug him. Since that, he ain't scared anymore to hold you. He will be careful not to break you, but to protect you; with his life.

C A P T A I N   B O O M E R A N G

Bear hugs. You love his bear hugs so freaking much! It comforts you whenever you are sad or happy.

E L   D I A B L O

He picks you up and you'll wrap your legs around his waist. You're as light as a feather as he would say--- even you always thought that you were heavy but he says otherwise.

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I'm losing ideas (&motivation) in writing so I need you guys to help me :)

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