10 || fights

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"You can't just come in when I'm talking to those people like you did just now."

He said and gritted his teeth, trying to contain the anger that bubbled in his chest. You looked down and bit your lips. It was an accident. You didn't know that he was having 'one of his important meetings' with those people that you'll never know so you just barged in when they were talking. And now he was very mad at you.

"I'm sorry."

You apologized. He chuckled darkly and shook his head. You were sure that he was mad because of other reason, not just because of you.

"Sorry is not enough, Y/N. You ruined it all."

He glared daggers at you and you avoided his gaze again. You couldn't look him in the eyes at that time, it was scaring you.

"I really am sorry, J. It wasn't my intention to -"

"Shut up!"

He screamed at you. You flinched and tears started to blur your vision. He stomped towards you, making you stumbled backwards until your back was pressed against the wall.

"Why would I ever bring a stupid girl like you here?"

You were taken aback as the words rolled out of his tongue. He never talked to you like that so it hurt you the most.

"How could you say that?"

Your voice cracked as a tear rolled down your face. He smirked and punched the wall, a scream escaped your mouth.

"You're a fool, Y/N."

He spat. You couldn't help but let tears down your face. His words were like knives stabbed into your heart. But he didn't care about you at all.

"Cry and cry. That's all you do!"

He yelled at your face, only made you cried even harder. You have never scared of him but at that time he was really scaring you. His eyes were dark and there was no love or sympathy for you.

He rolled his eyes when he saw more tears streamed down your face. You fell on the floor as his hand landed on your face. He slapped you.

Your body was hurt when you fell and the pain was stinging on your face. But your heart ache even worse. You looked at him and shook your head in disbelief.

"I love you with all of my heart. And this is what I get?"

You cried out and put a hand on your face, knowing that it will leave a mark. His eyes widen in realization as soon as he saw you on the floor.

"Y/N, I didn't-"

He kneeled down beside you to hold you but you pushed him away. His lips trembled with words and he regretted all of the things that he said and did to you.

"Leave me alone!"

"I swear I didn't mean it-"

"Please leave me alone!"

You yelled at him again and sobbed uncontrollably. He was shocked. You were always gentle with him, but it wasn't you anymore. It was all because of him.

When he tried to touch you again, you looked at him with tears in your eyes. Your eyes showed him affection and love that he would never get from anyone else.

"Please, J. I need to be alone."

Your voice softened but you were still hurt, physically and emotionally. He nodded weakly and left the room with a pang of guilt hit him hard.

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