8 || nightmares [2]

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When you had nightmare about him leaving you.
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A cry escaped your mouth as your eyes were still shut tightly in sleep. The dream was consuming your mind as your whimper got louder.

"Don't leave me.."

You whimpered and tears rolled down your cheek, but you weren't awake yet. You wanted to, but the dream was just far from over.


Joker was awake as he heard your cry. He scanned your face and noticed there was tears. He quickly pulled you to him and wake you up.

"Y/N, it's fine."

He hushed you as your eyes fluttered open. Your eyes widen when you saw him, and he was holding you. You clung onto him and cried into his chest. He didn't ask anything, understanding that you would tell him if you wanted to.

After a moment, you calmed down and looked up at him. He gave you a genuine smile that only you could see in life.

"Want to tell me about it, doll?"

He asked nicely and tucked a hair behind your ear. You looked down and nodded weakly.

"In my dream, you were leaving me. You told me that you found another woman who was better than me and you didn't need me anymore."

As you talked, the tears started to stream down your face again. He wiped away your tears with his thumb and cupped your face softly.

"Please don't leave me, J."

The thought of him leaving you was unbearable. He planted a lingering kiss on your forehead and looked you in the eyes.

"You're my queen, Y/N. You're perfect for me so why would I want to leave you?"

You just nodded, but the fear of him leaving you was still lingering on your mind. He was the Joker, he could get anyone he wanted to anytime so it was your biggest fear.

"I adore you, my queen. I promise I won't leave you."

He said before sealing his promise with a kiss on your lips.

R I C K  F L A G

He once got a nightmare about you leaving him when he was away ( in nightmares [1] ) but you had never got one until that one night.

The bad thing was, he wasn't there to comfort you too.

You quickly called him and waited for him to answer your call. But he didn't answer it and you've tried it for many times. Being alone in the home and had that kind of nightmare, you thought he was really leaving you.

You blinked tears down your face as you buried your face in your hands. You had a bad experience with your ex boyfriend, so you were so afraid that Rick might leave you too.

The sound of your phone ringtone made you jumped a little bit. You grabbed your phone and quickly answered the call.

"Hello, darling."

Just by hearing his comforting voice, your heart warmed a bit and a soft smile appeared on your face.

"Hello, Rick. I'm sorry I know you're busy—"

"It's fine, Y/N. I'm sorry I didn't answer your call earlier. I was with the squad. But now I'm free to talk to you. And I miss you."

He was smiling from the other side, hoping that you could see his smile so you would know how happy he was to hear your sweet voice.

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