rick flag || stay with me [IMAGINE]

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»rick is not in love with june moone in this one«
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You dragged your feet into his office and huffed in annoyance as soon as you stepped in and saw his face. He was staring at you, burning a hole in your face.

"You're late, Y/N."

He complained whilst glancing at his watch before looking back at you. You shook your head in disagreement.

"No. I'm two seconds early, Mr Flag."

"It's Colonel Flag."

You rolled your eyes dramatically, ignoring the deadly glare from the soldier.


You mumbled under your breathe. He sighed at your attitude and walked towards you. You frowned and cursed your aunt for giving you this job.

"Shouldn't you be on field, colonel? Seems like you're wasting a lot of time in your office now."

You said, filling your curiousity. Rick gave you a small smile, making you tilted your head a bit.

"I've no idea why would Waller gives me an assistant?"

He muttered to you. You chuckled and thought about that too.

"Maybe because she wanted to keep her niece employed?"

You guessed, a smirk painted on your face. You didn't know why would Amanda let you be Flag's assistant. You were way too far to be a soldier. You couldn't fight, but you were good in weapons--- not using them though, just guessing their names. 

"Try not to be a burden, Y/N."

"That's what I told myself everyday. No worries."

You said, making he cracked a genuine smile at you. Then he went to take a file from his desk and gave it to you.

"We're going to Belle Reve."


Why would Amanda and Rick brought you to the prison, you thought.

But there you were, hiding behind Rick's back while he was talking to the Killer Croc. Your hands were curled in fists as they tugged at his shirt.

"Rick, please hurry."

You whispered at him as he talked to the crocodile-looking-man. When he was done, he turned around and looked at you with a frown.

"Y/N, you can't hide behind me all the time!"

He scolded you. You looked down at the floor and kept your mouth shut. It wasn't your fault, right? They should've warned you about scary people that you would see here.

You were walking side by side with Rick, your head was still down, ashamed with yourself. You heard a sigh came out of his mouth as he stopped walking.


You didn't answer him. You were still scared, embarassed, and so many feelings that you couldn't express.

"Y/N, look at me."

You bit your lips and looked up at him. He squeezed your shoulders assuringly.

"It's okay. You weren't trained for all of this. Waller shouldn't take you here."

He patted your back before you calmed down a bit. You forced yourself to smile at him and nodded.

"So where are we going now?"


"Whoa, that's so cool!"

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