23 || captured / kidnapped

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You're being captured/kidnapped by his enemy.

This chapter will be available only for Joker, Rick Flag and Deadshot.
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You always thought about the consequences of being the Joker's girlfriend. But since you both were already together for almost two years, nothing happened, so you thought it would stay in that way.

But you were wrong.

Joker always reminded you not to walk alone especially at night, it would be dangerous because you didn't know how to defense yourself. But that night, you went to the store to grab a few things.

"All went well", that was what you could say but when a few men came and towered over you, your back was pressed against the wall- you knew you were screwed.

They didn't mind your cries nor your screams. As they hit you on the head, your vision darkened.

That was how you ended up in this small, dark and dirty room. Your hands were tied on the chair so you couldn't escape.

"I thought Joker's girlfriend would be more... Violent?"

You quickly looked up, finding the source of the harsh voice. You saw a man in suit, was walking towards you with another two men behind him. A smirk was dancing on his lips.

"I've never thought the girl would be you, so sweet and kind."

He mumbled, eyeing you from up and down. You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat, obviously angry and scared at the same time.

"Let me go."

You stated sternly. The man laughed at you and patted your shoulder softly.

"Why would I let you go, sweetheart? You'll stay. Now, be good, would you?"

He said before leaving the room. The two men didn't follow him, they waited with you in the room. You screamed for help but you knew there was no use.


Rick has been on a mission for almost two weeks now and you couldn't help but missing him like crazy.

"When will you come home?"

You pouted, while talking to him through the cellphone. He chuckled and it created a small smile on your face.

"I'll be home soon, love. I promise."

That night, you tried to sleep but you couldn't. You felt uneasy and suddenly you wanted to cry. You calmed yourself down and told yourself that everything will be alright even if your husband wasn't there for you.

But then, a loud noise was heard from your kitchen. You were doubting whether you wanted to go look or not. As you wanted to leave your room, someone hit your head with something hard and your vision went black.


Your voice was hoarse. Your eyes shot open and you realized that you weren't in your room. You panicked and it only got worse when you noticed that your legs and hands were tied on the bed. It wasn't your bed.

"Oh, his princess is awake."

You heard a voice, making your eyes widen. Footsteps could be heard and you were sure there was more than a man that were walking towards you.

"Helo, princess. How are you feeling?"

One of those three men said to you, a sly smirk on his lips. You felt like you could punch his face right now if your hands weren't tied.

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