20 || promises

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He promised you the world--- and you knew that he wasn't kidding. He would do anything so you could be the queen. You had no desire to rule to world, of course, but having him as your boyfriend--- you couldn't say more.

R I C K    F L A G

He promised you a good life. You knew that you would get a good life with him, even better, you had a great life with him. As long as you're by his side, your life is the best.


He promised you no promises. He didn't want to shower you uncountable promises then not keeping any of them so he stayed without any promises. You loved that he kept it that way.

K I L L E R    C R O C

He promised that he would keep you safe. As long as he is alive, he would keep you safe and sound because you are the only reason he wakes up every morning. 

C A P T A I N   B O O M E R A N G

He promised he will stay with you. You had a fear of him leaving you, but he assured you that he would stay. Forever.

E L    D I A B L O

He promised that he wouldn't hurt you. Hurting you was the last thing he would ever do in his life. Every tear that you shed and every pain that you had--- his heart breaks.

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