18 || they (pretend) to hate you

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How they pretend to hate you even when they are madly in love with you. They won't let you know!
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He is the Joker so he is furious when he starts to fall in love with you. Everytime you look him in the eyes or smiles at him, he feel like his world has been turning upside down.

So he always glares at you whenever you are in the room and gives you bad comments about whatever you do. You don't fight back though, and it makes him fall for you even harder.

R I C K  F L A G 

Oh my, he swears to god that you could be the death of him! The way your lips curl into a smile, the way you look at him lovingly and how your laugh could send butterflies in his stomach— he loves every single thing about you.

But he won't admit it. Never.

He always scoff at whatever you say and deny them even when you are right. You could accept his complaints when you are wrong, but when you are right— of course, you will stand up for your opinion. It will turn into an argument and at the end, you will apologize first because you hate to argue.


He had no trust in love after what happened between him and his ex wife. But the moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew that he couldn't get away from your charm.

But he won't let you in into his stubborn and broken heart. So he has never talk to you. Never.

Everytime you try to talk to him, he will shoot you a dirty look and walk away just like that. He doesn't know that he is pushing the love of his life away.

K I L L E R  C R O C

Love? No way in hell. He would never ever let a sweet, kind and innocent girl like you get into his life. Moreover, he thought himself as a monster that would never get a chance to be in love.

He tries to show you that he hates you, but fail everytime. He wants to scream or growl at you, but he always stutters when you look at him with your big beautiful eyes.

He is tired of pretending to hate you. Maybe he will admit his love for you soon. Just maybe..

C A P T A I N  B O O M E R A N G

At first, he flirts with you all the time! Because he thought you just as another pretty lady in his life. But turns out, he is falling in love with you and damn he hates the feeling.

The feeling of love is suffocating and prisoning him. He needs to free himself back again.

So he started to change his way towards you. He makes you feel bad for yourself with his harsh words. You try to ignore it, but it become too much and you couldn't handle it anymore. So you really think that he hates you.

E L  D I A B L O

What? Pretend to hate you? Why would he do that to you?

God knows how much he loves you and nothing could change that. As much as he was afraid that he would hurt you, but his love is much bigger than the fear.

So he admit his love and tries to get his happily ever after with the only woman that he loves; it's you.

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a month without any updates?
okay i'm alive what am i doing with my life idk

i need to update more and i won't give you so many freaking excuses

just bear with me pls love u guys

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