Chapter two

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Song: Fall Out Boy - The Kids Aren't Alright (Audio)

"See, Sping Tap?" I mocked as I cleaned my wounds in the basement. "That's what happens when you give someone a stupid dare, Sping Tap."

Spring Trap scowled. "Not cool, man." He whined. "Only Mangle's allowed to call me that."

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Purple Guy, holding Bonnie's ear. "I can't have you two attacking each other. You're meant to attack the night guard. And you know what? Because of your stupid fight, he got away! Foxy, you were on duty with Freddy and Chica, and where were you? Asking Bonnie out?! Are you gay or something?! Not that there's something wrong with that, Bonnie. I just needed to make this longer."

"I'm not gay! I'm bi!" Bonnie grumbled, crossing his arms. My mouth fell open. "He attacked me!" I whined, showing Purple Guy the scars. "He freaking attacked me!"

"I don't care! Don't do it again! This guy is onto his fourth night here, and none of us have gotten even close to him! Don't you remember what you're here for? You have to kill the night guard! Foxy, I'm going to start yelling at you now, because you're the only one who can see through his Freddy mask, and I don't even know why! You are one of the strongest, and you act pathetic! Actually, you know what? You are pathetic! Fuck you, Foxy!" And with that, he turned and stomped away.

Then he came back. "Actually, Bonnie, you're grounded! GROUNDED!"

"Aww, but why me?" Bonnie whined.


"Fuck." I swore under my breath.

Spring raised his hand as Mangle decided to climb onto the fan and turn it on.

"We can't go out anyway." Spring Trap pointed out. "So... what? We can't fly? We can't leave the ground?"

"OH, SHUT UP, SPRING TRAP!" Purple Guy screamed, turning and storming off. "I'll never be grounded." Mangle wondered out loud as she spun around slowly. She winded her neck down so she was spinning around Spring Trap's face. "I'll always keep climbing on fans, right hon?"

"Right." He agreed, kissing her while she was upside down. Bonnie and I made gagging noises, then glared at each other.

"You two should date!" Mangle giggled.

I crossed my arms. "I'm not gay like Bonnie." I said.

Bonnie rolled his eyes. "I'm not gay, I'm bi." He said.

"And what does 'bi' even mean?" I asked. "You keep saying that. It's getting on my nerves."

"It means I like boys and girls. Just because I've never dated a girl doesn't mean I don't think they're hot."

"Not all of them." Spring Trap pointed out. "Only Mangle."

She giggled and started spinning around his head again. He kissed her, but to do this, he had to turn in a circle until he was dizzy. She grabbed his arms and pulled him up onto the ceiling, tangling him up in her.... things. And... that sounds sexual... I'm talking about the metal thingy's that connect her together.

Bonnie rolled his eyes. "Honestly, can you stop teasing me about being bi?" He asked me. I shrugged and looked down at the ground, uncomfortable. "You don't tease Freddy." Bonnie said. He sounded like he was pleading. "I don't want to be pushed away from the rest of the group just because I went out with a guy."

I sighed. "Whatever. I'll stop. I thought you thought it was funny."

"If I thought it was funny, then I wouldn't be asking you to stop." Bonnie said, but he was smiling. I smiled too. "Yeah, alright. So we're cool?"

"We're cool, man." Bonnie booped my nose, then walked away. I found myself bringing my hand up to my face and rubbing my nose, as if Bonnie had left a mark on it. But not like a dirt mark. Like... a love mark... I don't know. Something like that.

I rubbed my nose with my thumb, twirling it in a circle. Then I smiled and sat down on the couch. "Truth or dare, Mangle?"


"How much do you love Spring Trap? Actually, never mind, I don't wanna know."

"To the great wall of China and back." Mangle sighed. Spring tucked her hair behind her ear. "Well, I love you to Antarctica and back."

-Ten minutes later-

"I love you to the moon and back."

"I love you to mars and back."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I muttered, banging my head against the wall. 

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