Chapter seventeen

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I climbed on top of the breakfast table, abandoning my precious steak that I was eating.

I looked around at everyone. Bonnie was running his hands through his hair, looking like he was stressed.

"Today, we're all going to be our animals." I announced. Everyone looked up from their food, except for Purple Guy, who just kept eating and reading his book.

"What?" Spring Trap crossed his arms. "But that means Mangle and Freddy and you can all kill me and Bonnie."

"Yeah!" Bonnie said, throwing his toast down onto his plate. "Purple Guy, we arent doing that, are we?"

"I think it's a great bonding activity," Purple Guy said. "So yes, we are."

"What happens if we're caught?" Spring asked. I grinned. "The person who caught the bunny gets to do whatever they want to the bunny for a whole week, whenever they choose." Yeah, I like that plan. I'll make Bonnie my slave. Ha ha.

Everyone apart from Bonnie and Spring cheered. "Wait, but what about you?" Bonnie asked Purple Guy.

"What about me?"

"Well, Spring Trap and me are rabbits, Freddy and Goldie are bears, Chica's a chicken, Mangle and Foxy are foxes. But what are you?"

"Me? Well, I think I might be a jellyfish." Purple Guy answered. He poked Goldie. "Sting." He said. I jumped off the table and started massaging Bonnie's shoulders. "Shh, relax, wittle bunny. We'll start being our animals in twenty minutes. After breakfast."

"This is stupid. Me and Spring are gonna get eaten." Bonnie said. He got up and went into the kitchen. I followed him. "You're in a grumpy mood today!" I sung, kissing Bonnie's nose. Bonnie blushed. I laughed. I liked making Bonnie blush.

So I wrapped my arms around Bonnie's waist and spun him around suddenly. Bonnie put his arms around my neck, and leaned in.

I stopped spinning the two of us around and forcefully pressed my lips against Bonnie's. It was a beautiful sight to see- boy's lips against boy's lips. I tightened my grip around Bonnie.

Everyone in the FNAF group knew that me and Bonnie had kissed. But still, it must have been a shock to see as I stumbled out of the kitchen, me and Bonnie's lips conjoined. Spring started cheering. "Woohoo! Gay rights!"

Mangle nuzzled his jaw.

Freddy, for some reason, was narrowing his eyes at me. Chica was clapping and jumping up and down on her chair. Goldie was trying to eat his breakfast before he had to go. Purple Guy was leaning back in his chair and smiling.

I was suddenly aware they had an audience, and pulled away so fast my feet tangled with Bonnie's and we fell over.

"Keep it PG, you two!" Spring teased. The whole table laughed. Even I looked at Bonnie and let out a little chuckle as well.

Bonnie was so embarrassed he just hid his face in my shirt and wouldnt move.     

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