Chapter twelve

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Foxy's POV

He looked handsome when he slept. His purple hair was ruffled and messy. There was a bruise on his chin. But the blood was cleaned off and he was in my bed, safe and warm.

I lay next to him. Bonnie was cuddled into my chest, but I didn't have the heart to move him. He had been asleep for seven hours now.

The others finally trusted me enough to leave me be alone with Bonnie. They understood I had been angry. But now, I wanted more than anything to just kiss him again.

I didn't though. That would just toy with Bonnie's feelings, and I didn't want that. I wanted him to be happy. So I would wait a while. Until I felt ready.

I wasn't sure when I would feel ready. It was complicated stuff, and I didn't like complicated. I wished things could go back to what they used to be; before Bonnie and Freddy kissed, and Spring Trap and Mangle started dating, and before Bonnie let out he was bi.

When me and Bonnie were great friends.

But now, everything was crazy, and I hated it. I hated it so much.

But I loved it at the same time.

"What time is it- don't hurt me please!" Bonnie was awake. I looked at him as Bonnie moved away so there was a big space between us. "I'm not going to hurt you." I said, moving closer. "I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry."

Suddenly, Purple Guy exploded into the room. "THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!" He whisper-shouted. Bonnie gasped. "What?! But I thought-"


Footsteps suddenly started coming down the hallway. We knew the routine very well. We hid under the bed. Well, Bonnie and I did. Purple Guy just climbed out the window. "Idiots!" He hissed, then ducked down as the door opened.

"Seem's abandoned, babe." A girl's voice said. My eyes widened. Bonnie looked at him. They crawled closer to the wall, under the bed.

"Yeah, it is." A male's voice agreed. He moved closer to the girl, and there was a giggle. They both fell onto the bed.

Without knowing what I was doing, I snuggled under Bonnie's arm, making Bonnie look at me in surprise. But I knew he wouldn't start yelling, or make any sudden movements to move away, because of the people on the bed on top. I smirked.

But I stopped smirking when two piles of clothes fell onto the floor. Bonnie looked at me and started silently shaking with laughter. I glared at him.

The bed started to rock.

That was it. I dove out from under the bed and out the window. "What was that?!" The girl screeched.

"Must have been a stray dog." The boy assured her. Then Bonnie dove out the window as well. This time, they both screamed. "That was a person!" The girl shouted. "A real, live, person!"

"Okay, we're going somewhere else." The boy said. I was waiting in the bushes. Bonnie crawled in beside me.

Five minutes later, the door opened. The two teenagers walked out, carrying a very familiar checkered quilt.

My bottom lip started to quiver. I pouted. "My blankie." I said in a small voice as the two disappeared down the road. 

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