Chapter forty-four

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Foxy's POV

I woke up to singing. Seriously. I woke up to all of the FNAF's, even Purple Guy, leaning over me and singing 'Happy Birthday.'

That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up. When I woke up properly, I realised Bonnie was holding a cake that said Happy 18th birthday, Foxy!

"I hope you wont go through one of your sick things again when you eat this." Bonnie said. "Cause it took me ages. Oh, and happy birthday, by the way."

"Purple Guy, what are they doing?" I looked up at him. Purple Guy smiled. "I do believe they're being nice, Foxy. Marionette wanted to know if the others could come around, so I said yes. He'll be coming with three others, plus Funtime and Baby, and yes, I know, but Funtime is warned not to do anything. If he does, Foxy gets to bash him. As a birthday present."

"Wait, so it's my birthday?" I raised my eyebrows. I had totally forgotten. Bonnie dumped the cake in Goldie's arms and crawled onto the bed next to me. "Yep. Happy birthday."

I groaned. "What time is it?"

"Six am."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at Bonnie with a tired look on my face. Bonnie got the hint. "Okay, a bit early on our part, but come on! It's your birthday!"

"Yep. So I'm going back to sleep."

Bonnie smiled, then waved the others out of the room. He closed the door. "If you get out of bed, I'll undress." He offered. I looked over at him. "No you wont. You're just saying that."

"I'll undress tonight...?"

"No. I'm not getting up unless you go the whole day without your shirt, so I can admire that glorious chest."

"Why do you have so much joy in doing this to me?" Bonnie grumbled as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off. I smiled. "Okay, I'm up."


I got out of bed, and Bonnie looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "Um... whats with the shirt?" He asked.

I was wearing my Foxiest fox around shirt. I shrugged. "What? Dont you like it?"

"No, no I love it." Bonnie assured him. "Now, get dressed."

"Okay." I got changed and opened the door. "Ooh, he's up!" Everyone shouted. Bonnie came out behind me, and Spring Trap wolf whistled.

I turned around, and smirked at Bonnie, who just sighed heavily, and looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Cake!" Mangle shouted. Everyone gathered around the table, waiting for me to cut it. I looked at them, then at the cake, then back at them. "What? I cant cut it." I said. Bonnie sighed and cut the cake. I looked at it. "Okay, why is it pink?"

Spring Trap hid his mouth with his hand, covering his laugh. "It's a strawberry cake. Cause..." He burst out laughing. "Cause you smell like strawberries." Freddy finished for him. I crossed my arms. "Whose idea was that?"

"Spring Trap." Everyone said at the same time, pointing at him. I sighed. "Really, Sping Tap?"


The cake tasted pretty good, though. Even Purple Guy had a piece, though he was mostly searching his office for something.

At around nine am, he came out of his office, holding a scrap book in his hands. "I found it!" He shouted.

My eyes widened. I groaned, and hid my face. Freddy came into the room. "What did he find? Oh, no...."

Purple Guy had found the photo album.

"Yeah!" Spring Trap shouted. "Memories of us when we were little and chubby and adorable! Yay!" 

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