Chapter fifty-nine

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Chica's POV

I listened into her crying, and wiped away my own tears. I cant believe she asked for plastic surgery. I didnt mean to hurt her.

I know she thinks I'm a slut. And it's true I've gone out with every boy except for Purple Guy at least once. But I didnt like any of them. I put on the act that I like Foxy at the moment, to cover up my dark secret.

I have a crush on Mangle.

I dont know what it is that draws me to her. Maybe the fact she's so happy, and crazy. She smiles a lot. She wears frilly dresses and short tops, but each time she can look badass. Her hair, which is curly, must take ages to style every morning. Her beautiful big eyes along with her mouth always look like she knows something you dont. Her grin is cheeky, like she was born a devil.

I was shocked when I found out she doesnt wear makeup. When Spring Trap shouted about how he was going to destroy our makeup, I was kind of embarrassed that he thought it was for two girls. All that makeup is for me.

The thing is, I know she doesnt like me back.

I heard footsteps coming to the door, and dived behind the corner. I was dressed in socks and an oversized pink shirt. My hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. My face was empty of the makeup I usually wore. I didnt want Mangle to see me like this.

"You go to bed, Mangle." Purple Guy said. "We'll talk in the morning."

"Okay." Mangle sniffled, then turned and walked to her bedroom. I waited until Bonnie had gone into his, and Purple Guy had closed the office door again before quietly knocking on Mangle's door.

"Come in." She called. I opened the door. "Look, uh, Mangle... can we talk?"

She was sitting up in her bed. Spring Trap was nowhere to be seen. I think he was drawing something on Bonnie's cast. "Oh. What do you want Chica?"

"I need to tell you something. Can I sit down?"

She moved her legs. "Go ahead."

I sat down on the bed. "Now, what I'm going to say stays in this room. Clear?" I warned her. She nodded. "Crystal clear."

"Okay, well, dont say anything until I'm done. Okay. Here goes." I took a deep breath. "Ever since I was little, I've had these... these thoughts about you. I cant stop them. They've been going on for years. They arent thoughts of killing you, before you ask. They're thoughts of kissing you. Because, well, the thing is... I like you. A lot. I think its safe to say I love you, Mangle. I have a massive, fucking crush on you, and I wish I didnt. I know you dont love me. I know you dont even like me. But I needed to tell you. I'm such a slut to cover up the fact that I really, really, really like you. Ever since I went out with Bonnie, to see if I could stop thinking about you. I've loved you for ten years. And I dont expect anything from you. I dont expect you to love me back- heck, I dont want you to love me back, but I wanted to tell you about it."

All Mangle did was blink.

"Say something!" I shouted. She blinked again, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, Chica. I dont like you."

And with seven words, she had glued my heart back together. I smiled. "You know what? Thats fine. Its been ten years. I'm ready to move on properly." I moved forward, and planted a kiss on her cheek. "That Ballora is kinda hot anyways."

I turned and walked out the room, my heart bursting with happiness. 

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