Chapter sixty-nine

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Heheheheheheh its chapter sixty-nine.... you immature ones out there will be laughing like me.

I sorted through my jeans pockets, hoping to find some money for Purple Guy, who was shouting that we had spent all his money.

I felt a piece of paper in one pocket, and pulled it out.

I stared at the picture in my hand.

It was the photo I had kept from when Spring Trap and the others had stuck pictures of me x Foxy all over the wall. It seemed forever ago that I was crushing on him. Now, he's my boyfriend.

I stared at the photo, then noticed the jar of money on my table. "Purple Guy!" I called, picking it up. "I found some money for you!"

"Well, you better have!"

I pushed the jar into his arms, then went to go find Foxy. He was in the kitchen, trying to find a cupboard he could fit into so he could scare me.

"Bonnie!" He smiled. "Hi."

I showed him the picture. His smile widened, and he tucked my hair behind my ear. "I cant believe you kept that."


"I kept one too. One of me and you holding hands." He put his hand in mine and pulled me closer by wrapping his leg around mine. He placed his hand on my cheek and we leant inwards as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Its my birthday in two days!" Spring bounced into the room. I sighed, resting my forehead against Foxy's shoulder. "Thats great, Spring Trap." I said, my voice muffled.

"Can you make me a cake?"

"Well, not now. It'll go off, because you'll want it to be an ice cream cake, and you'll want it to be resting on the shelf instead of in the fridge, like your last birthday." I pulled away from Foxy.

"I want a cheesecake too though!"

"Yeah, I'll make them the night before your birthday." I said. What I didnt mention was that it was my birthday tomorrow, and I spent every birthday cooking for Spring and the others. They dont even know, because I dont ever tell them.



I woke up, stretching my arms and yawning. Foxy lay asleep beside me.

Its my birthday today. And I'll be cooking, as usual, for the others. Its not really that I mind- if it was my choice, I would probably be cooking anyway. I dont like big parties. I'm great at organising them, but not so great at being in them.

I looked over at Foxy. Maybe, just maybe, I should tell him about it. But then I remembered how happy he was when he turned eighteen, and I knew he wouldnt want me to be older than him.

Yeah. I'm nineteen today. I'm older than the rest.

I stood up and looked at the clock. Then I started to tiptoe toward the door, but Foxy grabbed my shirt and pulled me backwards.

"Stay. Cuddle." He whispered. I sighed. "Not today, Foxy."

"Why? Whats so special about today?"


"Nothing." I said, ignoring the tiny stab at my heart. I didnt know why I was feeling like this. I never tell them, yet I suddenly expect him to remember.

I am so selfish.

"Wait. You sound sad. Is there something special about today? The day before Spring's birthday? OR did I sleep through his birthday and its Christmas? Aw, crap! That means I missed the turkey!"

"Nothing is happening today." I said, frustrated. "I just want to get up, okay?!"

"Okay, geez." He let go of me, rolling over. "Grumpy. Come back in here when your period is over."

I grabbed the pillow and hit his face.


Satisfied, I stomped out of the room.

Interveiw with the pillow:

Me: Hi.

Pillow: Ouch.

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