Chapter seventy-seven

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Song: Helpless, Hamilton, LAMS. Love this song way too much. 

After a few more minutes in the bath, I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. Usually, I would get dressed in the bathroom, but my clothes were soaking wet so I just put them in the laundry basket and self-consciously wrapped the towel tighter around my waist.

Foxy got out of the bath as well, and he stood there for a few moments before I realised he wanted me to dry him, so I got a towel and wrapped it around his waist as well. Then I got a different towel- a smaller one- and rubbed furiously at his hair until he was dry.

"Put your clothes in the basket." I told him. He did what he was told. But he still whined like the little kid he was.

"But you come and clean it up anyway! Why would I do it if you're just going to do it yourself?"

"Come on." I slipped my hand into his and pulled him out of the room.

In my bedroom I tried to tug my clothes on, but every time I tried to, Foxy grabbed my hand, making me drop the clothes I was holding.

"Foxy, dont." I said, finally managing to pull my jeans on over my boxers. Foxy's ear and tail drooped. I cooed and turned away. His cuteness shall not destroy me today!

Sure it wont. You know you're going to turn back around.

Shut up, inner self.

You're going to turn around and at least hug him.

Shut UP inner self!

Foxy wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me closer. "You arent going anywhere! I want cuddle time!"

"Foxy, I have to cook dinner." I said, but I made no move to get away. Until he started to tickle me under my chin. I burst out laughing, pushing his hand away. Foxy pushed me onto the bed and kept tickling me, this time on my sides.

It reminded me a lot of the hotel.

The door slammed open. "BONNIE, MAKE DINNER-" Purple Guy stopped dead when he saw the position we were in. I looked over at him, a blush spreading up my cheeks.

"Just... just make some dinner."

"Okay. Yeah. Sure. Got it. No problem." I stammered, pushing Foxy off me and reaching for my shirt. I pulled it on and followed Purple Guy out into the kitchen.


I made soup and these cute little cubes made out of bread. It was a big hit with the others. They were squirming and telling me to hurry up with serving the bowls.

I rolled my eyes and started to fill them slower until Purple Guy grabbed the spoon and snapped at me to sit down. "Dont tease us with food, Bonnie."

I sunk into my seat, smirking.

Foxy snaked his arm around my waist as Purple Guy slammed the bowls in front of us. I ignored the food- I had eaten way too much when I was making it

Foxy looked happy with his soup, but I chose that moment to fix his hair up a bit. I tucked some of it behind his ear, and ran my hands through it, avoiding the fox ears.

Foxy purred. He actually purred. He looked over at me, dropping his spoon in the bowl and rubbing his cheek against my hand like a cat.

I chuckled.

"Oh, that is just, ugh." Spring Trap said, covering his eyes with his hands.

"Your just jealous because your girlfriend doesnt do this." Foxy smirked. Spring Trap looked up. "Oh, so you're saying my Mang-Mang isnt as good as your.... Boo?"

"Well, yeah. My Boo-Bonnie is the best."

Goldie, Freddy, Chica and Purple Guy snorted at the nickname. I scowled at them.

"She is not!"

"She is so!" Foxy argued.

"Hey! I'm a boy!" I said, but they ignored me. I looked over at Mangle, who just shook her head and laughed. I flicked my middle finger at her, but I was smiling. She looked at the argument between the two boys.

"Mine cooks!"

"Mine hangs me from the roof!"

"Mine plays the guitar!"

"Yeah, and dances and sings too." Spring Trap jeered. I glared at him. "I liked that song, okay?"

"Well, Mangle has an obbsesion with anime!" Foxy shouted. Mangle raised her hand. "Yes, I do, and I have a huge crush on Sasuke from Naruto."

Again, she was ignored. I turned my attention to the salt on the table, then picked it up and poured it all into Foxy's soup, and all the pepper in Spring Trap's.

Spring Trap stood up. Foxy stood up as well and slammed his hands down on the table, at which point I had to tell them to argue later, and eat their soup.

They obeyed me, sat down, got a huge spoonful each, and swallowed it.

They spat it out all over each other. 

//Authors Note//


Foxy: Hey, hey, calm down bby. Sorry lujikko. He's just on his period. 


(Jk lujikko. You're awesome.)

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