Chapter ten

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The song is for Bonnie! I was crying when I wrote that chapter- serious! Bonnie is my favourite character, but don't worry! He'll get through this!

Bonnie's POV

I stared at the closed door. It had been two days. Foxy had only come out twice- he came out for food once, then took five giant bottles of water. He didn't need to use to toilet- his bedroom had an ensuite.

"Foxy?" I knocked on the door. "Can we talk?"


I tried to think of something that would make Foxy laugh. I knocked on the door again. "Elsa? Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"No. It's summer, and I don't wanna talk."

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I kissed you. Well, I do. I like you. But you don't like me, do you?"

"Pretty obvious." Said Foxy from the other side of the door. His voice was muffled.

"What are you doing in there?"

"Nothing! Just leave me alone, Bonnie. Please don't even talk to me. Ever. Again. And you'll find your shirt in your cupboard."

"Um." I swallowed back tears. "Okay. Sorry again." I said, then pulled Foxy's shirt off, which I had been wearing. "Here's... here's your shirt." I folded it up and left it outside Foxy's door.

Then I just stared at the door for a few seconds. I pressed my hand against the door, then my forehead against my, and silently sent a letter in my head to Foxy.

Dear Foxy.
I'm sorry. I won't kiss you again. I can't help it that I like you, but I know you don't like me. It's killing me though. You're killing me. I can't stop thinking about you. Why did you kiss back if you don't like me?
I get that you're not gay, or bi. But I want us to be friends, at least. I won't tell anyone about the kiss, as long as you don't tell anyone about how I like you.
Sorry again.

I turned and walked away, running my hands through my hair. I sat down on the couch. Foxy's quilt was on the couch. It was rainbow checkered, faded and dirty, but Foxy loved it. He loved it more than anything.

I curled up in it, taking in Foxy's beautiful scent. And then I started to cry. Quiet, small tears dripping down my face and falling off my chin and onto Foxy's beloved quilt.

"He hates me..." I whispered between sobs. Then I picked up my phone and texted Mangle. Mangle was the type of person you talk to about this kind of thing. I didn't care if Foxy punched me because he found out Mangle knew. I just needed someone to talk to, and that someone was Mangle.

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: Um... Mangle, I need 2 talk 2 u.

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: wats up?

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: Me and Foxy kissed, and now he won't talk to me. he says he never wants to talk to me again, and... yeah.

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: ok, first off, can I tell anyone?

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: No. definitely not.

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: I don't know what to say... tell me everything.

I sighed. Then I started typing. The words poured out onto the screen as I tapped as fast as I could.

Mangle was silent the whole time. I could just imagine her, hanging from a fan, spinning around slowly. Spring Trap would be either trying to kiss her, or asleep.

When I finally finished, Mangle typed back.

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: I AM GOING TO BEAT HIS ASS!!!

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: NO. DONT U DARE.

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: ok. but only becuz ur my best friend.

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: I thought he liked me....

Mangledafoxdatatedaspring: look, Bon-bon, I gtg. Spring Trap has woken up and he's trying to read over my shoulder. Stay strong, mate!

Bonnieisthebestbunnyever: k. thanx. bye.

I put my phone down on the table and closed my eyes. 

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