Chapter thirteen

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I sat on my bed beside Bonnie, curled up against his chest. Bonnie kept patting my back, saying things like "It'll be alright. We'll get you another blankie." But I was just silent. I was taking in Bonnie's beautiful smell.

I am not normal. I thought as I thought he faintly smelled oranges. The scent tickled my nose, but I liked it.

Bonnie started running his hands through my hair. "We'll get it back, Foxy. And if we dont, we'll get you another blankie."

"There wont be another blankie." I said quietly. I suddenly sniffed Bonnie's hair. It too, smelt like oranges. Bonnie didnt seem to notice. "Well, we'll find it then." He said. "We'll find your blankie."

"No we wont."

"Why are you such a killjoy?" Bonnie muttered. I pursed my lips stubbornly. "Says you! Remember when we were home alone and I was high, and you were just moping around?"

"I was depressed!"

"Well, I'm depressed now." I said. Bonnie crossed his legs. "Well, we need to talk." He said. I looked away. "It's about the kiss, isnt it?" I asked.

"Yes...." Bonnie said quietly. "If you arent gay, then why did you kiss me back?"

"I dunno!" I felt impatient. "I just did. It's a natural response for me. Someone kisses me, I kiss back, okay?"

"So if Spring Trap were to kiss you, you'd kiss back?"

"Yes. Say if you were to kiss me now, then I would kiss you back, and turn it into a makeout session, unless your hand went in a place I dont like. So if you kissed me now, and your arms were just around my neck, or by your sides, I'd kiss back, and regret it later. Well, IF I regretted it."

Bonnie blinked. I smiled. "Is it the same for you?"

"Um.... I dont think so... maybe...."

"Probably, considering I'm the hottest thing this world has to offer." I flexed one of my muscles. I could see Bonnie staring, lust in his eyes.

"I'm the ugliest thing this world has to offer." Said Bonnie sadly. I suddenly put my arms around Bonnie's waist and tugged him closer. "No you're not. You're beatiful. You're handsome, and sexy. Dont ever call yourself ugly, because," I stroked Bonnie's cheek, feeling him shiver. "Because if you dont love yourself, then remember I always love you."

But, just to be sure, I leant closer and said "You're my best friend."

Then I turned and left. 

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