Chapter fifty-eight

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Chica was right. I'm the short girl who is only friends with boys. The one who had her pale blonde hair cut above her shoulders. The one who wears the frilly dresses that swirl around her knees.

Chica is a supermodel. She has long legs, and wears short skirts. Her hair is the colour of sunflowers, and is poker straight, tumbling down over her shoulders.

She would never ever let her hair go curly and knotty like mine.

As we all sat down, watching Howl's Moving Castle my favourite anime movie at the moment, and I couldnt help thinking about Chica.

She's dated every guy in the house. Bonnie (seven), Freddy (eight), Foxy (thirteen to fifteen), Freddy again (fifteen), Spring Trap (fifteen to sixteen) Goldie, (sixteen) and then Freddy again. Each time, she's gotten bored and broken up with them. And each time she left them in tears (apart from Bonnie. He didnt care).

She is cold and heartless. But when I first moved here, she kept trying to play with me. To have a tea party. To watch TV. To make teddy bears with her. I was always playing with Bonnie, so eventually she just left me alone, and played by herself.

But she dates guys, then dumps them when she gets bored. How am I the only one who notices this?


I knocked on Purple Guy's office door. It was eleven pm. The others had gone to sleep ages ago. Princess was hovering around my (short and stubby) legs, wanting food.

"Come in." Purple Guy called. I pushed open the door.

"Oh, Mangle. What can I do for you?"

"Cut the posh act." I said, sitting down in the chair in front of him. He chuckled. "Yeah, I've just always wanted to say that. Seriously though, what do ya want?"

"I have a favour to ask from you."

"Yeah, what?"

I shakily held my hands up to my cheeks. "I know we have enough money for this, by the way. So dont try any of that. I wanted... uh... plastic surgery... to make me pretty."

Purple Guy put his hand over his mouth. "I cant believe you're considering this." He said, pulling his hand away. "You're amazingly beautiful."

And he started to cry.

I guess I know why, I mean, I'm closer to him than any of the others. He's like my Dad. He always looked after me when I was little, and understood when I came home with blood all over my new white dress.

"I'm going to go and get Bonnie. You... you stay right here." Purple Guy stood up, wiping away his tears.

I nodded.

He turned and left. When he returned, Bonnie was hobbling after him. "Mangle, why would you want plastic surgery?!" Bonnie asked, sitting down on a chair beside me. He leant his crutches against the desk.

I opened my mouth to explain why.

And then I burst into tears.

I havent cried since I was little, and Spring Trap ditched me for Foxy. I hate crying. It's not meant to be like this. I'm meant to be strong.

Bonnie and Purple Guy wrapped their arms around me, and just let me cry the tears I had been holding in for ten years.




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