Chapter twenty-seven

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After a lot of explaining, us FNAF's found that Baby and Funtime would be staying with us for a little bit.

I gulped. I didnt like this 'Funtime' guy. I could tell Foxy didnt either.

"It's dinner! One of the few civilised things we actually DO have!" Purple Guy called. Foxy was sitting on the bench beside me, who was serving food out onto plates. "That's Purple Guy's. That's Spring's. That's-" I kept serving. Finally, there was three more plates left. "Okay. This one's for me." I put a small serving on. "And here." I put lots of pie on Foxy's, who smiled and kissed Bonnie's cheek. Then I served Mangle's. "I'll take this to her." I said, picking up Mangle's plate.

"Can I come?" Baby asked, standing up. I hesitated. "Um... I dunno. Mangle doesnt really know you..."

"It'll be fine." Baby slipped her hand into mine. "I want to say hi."

I sighed. I let Baby hold my hand, and knocked on Mangle's door. "Hey, we got you some food."

She creaked open the door. "Oh. Hello." She said to Baby. Baby pushed open the door. "He made you pie." She said, pointing at me.

I set the plate on the table. I noticed Mangle was staring at Baby's pink bows. Baby seemed to notice, and took one out of her hair. "Here. Keep it. You'll look good in pink. And fowget about what the gween bunny wabbit did."

Mangle stared at Baby. Then she burst into tears. "Thank you, thank you so much, honey." She said.

I backed out of the room. Baby looked at me, then hugged Mangle and followed me.

When we sat back down at the table, I found myself in between Foxy and Funtime. Foxy smiled at me and I smiled back.

Then I found someone's hand on his cheek, and Funtime turned my face toward him. "You're really cute, you know?" He smiled.

Foxy pulled me onto his lap and hissed at Funtime, who smirked. "Are you two a couple, or something?"

"Yes." Me and Foxy said at the same time.

"And we will NEVER be a threesome." Foxy added, tighting his grip around me. I kissed Foxy's cheek. "We're swapping seats." Foxy said.

Me and Bonnie swapped seats.

"Wait, why does Foxy get a bigger plate?" Baby asked, pointing at Foxy's food. He covered his plate. "It's not!!"

"Yeah it is!" Freddy said. "Bonnie, did you give Foxy a bigger plate?"

"No." I crossed his arms. "Maybe...Yes."

"Why do you always think of your boyfriend before anyone else?" Chica sighed. I looked over at Foxy. "Because he's handsome, and amazing."

Foxy kissed my jaw.

The table made retching noises, apart from Baby, who just kept eating. 

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