Chapter seventy-three

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"You dont need to cook for us anymore, Bonnie." Purple Guy said. I turned around. "What? Yes I do."

"No. You dont. I hired a house maid. She says she'l do the cooking for us. Besides, you fainted last week, and-"

"I was sick!"

"The cooking is too much for you. You basically own the household."

"I can handle it!"

"Bonnie." Purple Guy sighed. "I really like this woman. Why dont you take this opportunity to clean up the basement if you like cleaning so much?"

I grumbled under my breath and stomped down to the basement. It was barely in use now. Everything was covered in dust and dirt.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put on the song Monster by Skillet and lay down on the floor. My guitar was on the ground next to me. It had just been dumped there ages ago, when I had grown bored of guitar.

I looked at it. "Hello." I said. It didnt answer. Of course it didnt answer. Its a guitar. I ran my hands along the strings. "Been a while, eh?"


I sat up and pulled it onto my lap. There was a pick tucked into the strings. I pulled it out, and strung the guitar a few times. Then I plugged it into the speakers, testing it again. It was so familiar, the feeling of the strings against my fingers.

"I feel it deep within, its just beneath the skin! I must confess that I feel like a monster!" The song screamed.

I picked my phone up, putting the song back to the start. Then I started to play along with it.

I know this song. I used to play it for ages on repeat, when I was alway with my guitar. I sung along as well, smiling.

At the chorus, I started to headbang. I know. I know. I'm really bored. I spun around, not being able to see properly because my hair was in front of my eyes. I didnt need to see to play though. I knew it so well, I could be blind and still remember it.

Whispers In The Dark was next, also by Skillet. I jumped up and down, singing along. I dont usually sing much, but I've recorded myself and I'll admit I'm an alright singer. I mean, if I werent me, I would listen to me.

I havent told the others. I'm not meant to sing. I'm meant to only play the guitar.

When the song had finished, I was breathless. I let the guitar drop to the floor and pressed pause on the next song, flopping to my knees.

Then I heard someone giggling. I looked up, partly suprised and partly embarrassed. When I saw all of my friends standing at the top of the stairs, watching me, I just closed my eyes and cringed.

"Nice dance moves, Bonnie." Goldie said. The others couldnt hold it in any longer. They burst out laughing. I felt myself redden. "Shut up." I mumbled.

Foxy came down the staircase, wrapping his arms around me. "Aw boo." He chuckled. "I think its adorable."

"How much did you see?"

"I followed you down here. I saw you talking to your guitar. Now THATS cute." Foxy nuzzled my nose.

"Fuck off." I grumbled, resting my head against Foxy's shoulder. He looked up at the others and laughed. "Should we tell him?"

"Yes. Definetly. And we should show him the folder, but make sure he doesnt get to it." Freddy said.

I looked up at them in shock. "You have a folder on me?!"

"Yep. You know, it includes some really embarrassing moments. Like, you remember that time when Chica spilt water all over you, and you jumped backwards into one of the shopping stalls and they all fell over and you just stared at it, and said "That was NOT me." It has stuff like that. And worse." Spring smirked.

"Or when we were thirteen and Foxy taped the word 'idiot' to your back."

"Or a few videos of you talking in your sleep."

"Or some pictures of you in weird positions while you sleep. You know, once you were asleep halfway off the bed?"

"Or when..." Spring Trap burst out laughing. He couldnt speak. The others were confused at first, but then they all said "Oh! That!" and started laughing as well.

I grinded my teeth. "Show me this folder." I snapped. They all smiled evilly at me.

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