Chapter sixty-seven

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At around six o'clock, I smelt something cooking. I looked at the door. I put down Bonnie's book, losing his page again, and crept toward the door.

I turned the handle, and opened the door.

"YAY!" I bounced into the kitchen and attacked the purple haired person in a hug. He tripped over his feet and fell onto the ground. I fell on top of him, and wrapped my legs around his. "I wuv woo I wuv woo IwuvwooIwuvwoo!"

"Holy fucking shitballs, what the fuck?!"

I pulled away. "You are SO mean, Purple! I thought you were Bonnie!"

"Bonnie's standing at the doorway, looking very shocked, and partly disturbed. Now he is smiling and shaking his head. Now he is rolling his eyes. And now you're getting up. And now you're wrapping your arms around him. And now you're telling him that "Purple Guy was an idiot and didnt lock the door." Wait! Why are you out?!"

"I missed Bonnie." I cooed, rubbing my cheek against my bunny boyfriend.

"Stop it!"

I did it again until Purple Guy grabbed my ear.

"Ow! What the hell! I'll die in that room!"


I officially felt bad. Bonnie had to sleep on the couch because Purple Guy wouldnt let him inside to see me. And they couldnt use Bonnie's old room because they had discovered a leak last time it rained.

So I'm in deep shit with Bonnie, who loves sleeping in my bed.

And now he has to sleep in the lounge room. Mangle had to as well, but she didnt really mind because I heard her gushing about how they could have an anime night and Bonnie groaning for her to leave him alone.

So yeah.

Thats the one thing Mangle is girly about: anime. She loves it. Gay anime, vampire anime, normal, zombie. I havent checked for porn yet.

Anyway, so here I am, laying in my bed, staring up at the roof. I'm bored as hell, because Bonnie took his laptop away from me ages ago and I've read all the books. Actually, I guess Bonnie isnt so innocent. I read one of his particular favourites called Clan of The Cave Bear, and its about rape.

Which is fucked up.

(A/N: Mai sis read Clan of The Cave Bear when she was ten, and she's never been the same since...)

Now that I've read the whole series, I have nothing to do. I do not want to watch A Series Of Unfortunate Events again because its the only movie I have on my phone, and I've seen it so much I can quote it backwards.

So I've decided to cause trouble.


"What?" Bonnie was on the other side of the door. He sounded really tired.

"I'm bored."

"Not my problem. Read my books. Read Clan Of The Cave Bear. Thats a good book."

"Read the whole series! Its fucked up, Bonnie! I dont want to read about rape!"

"Have you read the Hunger Games?"

"Yes. Katniss is a little bitch! I would choose Gale. Or you, if you were there."

"Lord of The Rings?"

"The Hobbit is better. Frodo sounds like a tree frog." I said this very pointedly because I really did believe it.

"Well, um, what about The Maze Runner?"

I paused. "Okay, that I havent read. BUT I DONT WANNA! MY COLLAR ITCHES!" Bet you had forgotten about the metal around my neck.

"Thats not my problem. Get a pencil and itch it." And then he was gone.

"NOOOO!!!" I howled. "BOOONNNIIIEEE!!"

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