Chapter fifty-four

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Bonnie's POV

When I woke up, he was gone. I guess it was all just a dream after all. I sighed, looking at my clock.

It was nine o'clock. At night.

I jumped out of bed, hobbling to the door and opening it. Mangle was talking to Spring Trap. Goldie and Purple Guy were talking about how being single on Valentines day sucks. Chica and Freddy were just leaving. I sat down on the couch and picked up my book.

A few minutes later, the others left as well, leaving me alone.

I think you should take this oppourtunity to cook.

Good idea, little voice in my head.

I picked my crutches up, then hopped into the kitchen.

I blinked in suprise. Foxy was sitting on top of the bench. He was holding a block of chocolate. He hopped off the bench, and circled me like I was prey. "Run, run, run, little rabbit." He whispered, his hot breath tickling my ear. "This big bad wolf is about to eat you..."

I gulped, my face reddening as he put his arm around my waist and buried his head in the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Hugging my boyfriend." He answered, his voice muffled.

"I'm not your boyfriend."



"Aw! Thank you!" Foxy smiled, pulling away.

"Hey! Thats the second time you've tricked me into being your boyfriend!"

"I know." Foxy smiled as he pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as my crutches fell onto the floor with a loud clatter. Foxy stepped forwards, making me step back, clinging onto his neck. He picked me up and put me on the bench.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and Foxy was torn away from me. "You are such a player!" Freddy screamed in Foxy's face.

"What'd I do?!" Foxy shouted, putting his hands on Freddy's chest and pushing him away.

"Freddy, calm down." I said, trying to figure out how to get down without hurting my foot.

"How would you like it if I stole Bonnie from you?!"

"I wouldnt like it at all." Foxy said, coming and putting his arms around me, helping me down. "Why? You planning too?" He tightened his grip around me, and rubbed his cheek against mine.

"Stop it." I said, smiling, so he did it again.

"Besides, you have a girlfriend-" Foxy started, but Freddy just stomped his foot. "No I dont, you fuckhead!"

"Calm down." I said. "If Chica broke up with you, it's not Foxy's fault-"

"It is Foxy's fault!"

"How is it my fault?!"

"She broke it off with me because she thinks she's gonna date Foxy!" With that, he turned and stormed off into his bedroom.

I looked at Foxy with a cold glare. He looked at me, then at Freddy's bedroom, then me again. "Hey, I know nothing about this!"


"I promise." He picked me up and put me back on top of the bench, handing me the chocolate he was carrying earlier. I opened it up, breaking off a block and putting the rest on Foxy's head. He just gave me a blank stare. I shrugged.

After I ate all the chocolate, he turned around and started digging through the cupboards. "You direct me on how to make pumpkin pie."


The door creaked open, and Chica jumped inside, planting kisses all over Foxy's face. "Hey, hey, no! No! I no like you! No stop it! I no like you no more! Like Bonnie!" He screamed, pushing her away.

"We can be together." Chica said, cocking her head.

"I no like you. Me like Bon-bon." Foxy said in a little kid voice, awkwardly scratching his head.

"But... I broke up with Freddy to be with you..."

"I like Bonnie."

"Freddy was heartbroken..."

"I like Bonnie." He repeated, turning away from her. She burst into tears and ran out of the room. Foxy looked at me. "Pumpkin pie."

"Alright, well first..."


"Foxy! You do not put sugar in the pie!"

"But thats what makes it sweet, right?"

I hid my head in my hands. "Just pass me my crutches, and help me around." 

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