Chapter thirty-two

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Foxy's POV

"So. Here we are. Again. These boys have trashed my office. Again. And they are going to get punished. Again for Bonnie and Foxy, but I do believe this Funtime's first time. Funtime, did they drag you into this?"

"Yes." Funtime answered, nodding his head. My mouth fell open. I squeezed even tighter on Bonnie's hand.

"Well, you may be new here, but we dont tolerate this kind of bullshit." Purple Guy said, crossing his arms. "And I am an incredibly unfair person. So since you were in there you get the punishment too."

"This is gonna be a juicy punishment." Spring Trap said, rubbing his hands and smiling evilly. "Can I choose? Cause Mangle got to choose last time."

"Sorry Spring Trap, I've already chosen a punishment. Boys, you three are going to be locked in a room for three days. There will be only carrots for dinner."

"Okay, the carrots thing is okay." Bonnie said.

"I can do carrots."

"NO! NOT THE CARROTS!" I slammed my head down on the table. "THEY MAKE MY HAIR GO ORANGE!! Oh wait..."

"Freddy, show the boys THE ROOM!"

I swear to god there was a thunder crack when he said 'the room,'


Spring Trap banged two pots together.

So it wasnt the thunder...

"Lets go." Freddy said. He grabbed my ear, and Funtime's ear, then looked at Bonnie. "Bonnie, follow." He ordered.

"Run!" I called to him. Bonnie followed. He stumbled over one of the floor boards on his way out. I laughed, making Freddy hold my ear even tighter, and Bonnie glare at me.

THE ROOM happened to be the storage room I had hidden Bonnie when we had met Funtime. Boxes everywhere, and a clock on the wall. It was set to the right time, though. Freddy slammed the door and the room was instantly dark.

I grabbed Bonnie, who shrieked and cuddled into my chest. Then the room was flooded with light.

"Why are you hiding?" Funtime asked Bonnie, who pulled away, blushing. I wrapped my arms back around Bonnie. "We have plenty of time to do whatever we want." I whispered in Bonnie's ear. Then I looked over at Funtime. "We might need to kill the white fox first. We can use his fur for a blanket."

Bonnie laughed. Funtime rolled his eyes and switched the light off again. I felt Bonnie slip away from me, and when the light turned back on, Bonnie was curled up in a little ball at my feet.

"Hey, Bon-bon, you'll be fine. Funtime wont turn the light off anymore, okay?" I said, rubbing Bonnie's back. You'd think I found this annoying, but I didnt. I love it when Bonnie acts like a little kid. It makes him even more adorable.

"Oh what, like this?" Funtime flicked the switch, and they were stuck in the darkness. "Get him to stop!" I heard Bonnie say in the dark.

"Yeah, yeah I will." I stood up, but Bonnie grabbed my foot. "No, dont leave."

"Bonnie, I have to. I'll go and turn the light on, and you wont be scared anymore."

"Wait, Bonnie's scared of the dark?"

I sighed, ignoring Funtime, who had started laughing. "Bonnie..." I said quietly, rubbing circles around Bonnie's back. "I'm gonna go turn the light on."

Bonnie didnt answer, so I felt my way across the room and turned the light on. Bonnie was still curled up in a little ball, except he had started shaking. I went over and pulled my boyfriend onto my lap and let him cuddle into my chest.

"I still cant believe you're scared of the dark!" Funtime cackled. "And look at this! Big, rough tough Foxy is letting some wimp cry on his lap."

"I'm not crying." Bonnie said, looking up. "I'm just hugging my boyfriend."

"I am so gonna tell everyone about this."

Bonnie looked over at me. I stood up and cracked my knuckles. Funtime stopped laughing. 

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