Chapter thirty

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Screw it. Its interviews whenever the fuck I feel like it. 

Bonnie's POV

I punched the punching bag angrily. "Fuck you!" I shouted, hitting it again. I was angry because I had been put on nightgaurd duty with Funtime.

"Gonna kill that thing?"

I turned around. "Funtime, just because we have to work together on the nightgaurd tonight doesnt mean I'm going to suddenly start liking you. I have a boyfriend." I said, glaring at Funtime, who was holding a block of chocolate.

"So... a little birdy told me that this is your favourite chocolate." Funtime held the chocolate up.

I stared at it. It had been ages since I had some chocolate.

"Give it." I swiped for it, but Funtime danced away. "Nah uh uh. I want a kiss." He sung. I scowled. "No. Forget it."

"Just a kiss on the cheek."

"No." I turned around and started hitting the punching bag again.

Something landed on the ground beside me. I looked down, then picked up the chocolate.

"We leave in ten minutes." Funtime said. I flicked my rude finger up at him as Funtime turned to go.

Foxy appeared at the door. "Hey babe." He said, pushing past Funtime and wrapping his arms around me. I knew Funtime was watching, but that didnt stop me from standing on my tip-toes and letting Foxy softly kiss me.

"Where'd ya get the chocolate?" Foxy asked when they had pulled away from each other. I looked at the chocolate in his hands, then up at Funtime, who was watching curiously. "Nowhere," I lied. "I have to go. Nightgaurd duty."

"Okay. I... um..." Foxy looked down at the ground, blushing. "I... love you..."

I smiled. Then I kissed Foxy again. "Yeah, I love you too." I whispered.


I rounded the corner, and ran straight into Funtime. "Excuse me, gotta kill this nightgaurd." I muttered, not catching Funtime's eye.

"Already done. Now we have three hours of whatever the hell you want."

I finally looked up. Funtime winked at me.

"No thanks," I said. "If we have three hours, then I'm going to go and spend that time with my boyfriend-"

"Whom you love very much." Funtime said dryly. "I know. I heard you two this morning. Was that the first time you both said the 'love you's?" Funtime sat down on a bench. I blinked.

Ah, what does it matter? He knows anyway.

"Yeah. First time." I sat down beside him.

Funtime scratched a rock onto the ground. "Oh. So when did you two end up falling for each other?"

"I liked him ever since he got dared to ask me out. Foxy's liked me ever since I punched him in the face when he ate my chocolate."

"Pity you have to go for him. I wouldnt mind someone as sexy as you." Funtime stroked my cheek.

I glared at him. "I wouldnt mind if you left me alone." I snapped. "You need to get this in your head: I have a boyfriend."

"Thats not my problem."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'm leaving." 

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