t h r e e

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I enter English class and curse mentally remembering the paper I left on top of my desk this morning. I hadn't finished it, but half a grade is better than an F. I avoid eye contact with the teacher and hope no one mentions it, but like always luck is not with me.

"Papers on my desk before you leave." Harrison says, and I sigh mentally not having an excuse for not having it.

I try my best to go unnoticed but when I was almost out the door I heard his voice from behind me. "Miss Allard." He exclaims looking up. "What's your excuse this time?" He asks staring at me.

For such a young man, he sure is the unhappiest person I've ever met. Doesn't he have a girlfriend to make him happy and take him out of his misery? I mean he's not that bad. "The truth is I don't have an excuse, I just forgot to put it in my bag this morning." I simply respond being honest.

"You forgot?" He scoffs getting up. "Detention for the rest of the week." He says exasperated.

I quickly leave his classroom, wondering if I'm going to get in trouble at home for getting detention. I could just avoid the topic and not tell mother, but the school will probably send her an email this afternoon.

I enter the cafeteria still contemplating jumping off a cliff when I see my best friend seating on our usual table.

"Let me guess." He says smiling. "You didn't hand in your paper." He says and a glare at him.

"Where's Eva?" I ask avoiding the topic.

"Again Kat?" He asks frowning.

"I forgot okay!" I exclaimed a little louder than expected. I few people turn to look at us and I sigh. "I'm sorry." I whisper looking at Jeremy. "I'm having a crappy day."

"I can see." He replies unaffected by my harsh words.

"Jer, I'm sorry." I say taking my History notes out to study for the quiz I'm having in thirty minutes.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" He asks taking a huge bite of a hamburger that he's holding with one hand.

"I'm not hungry." I reply starting at his food with disgust.

I see Eva approaching us and I smile in relief, she already took the quiz. "Is it hard?" I ask throwing my notes on the table.

"No." She says throwing a roll of sushi on her mouth. "It's really simple and if you seat in the back you can cheat easily."

"Okay." I say smiling and taking some pictures of my notes without anyone seeing me.

"Or you could study like I did last night." Jeremy says drinking a sip from his soda.

"Funny." Eva and I say with a grin.

"Want some?" She says pushing the trail of sushi in front of me.

"I'm good." I reply taking a sip from her water. I look up and both are staring at me in shock. "What?" I ask worried.

"Are you okay?" Eva asks putting her hand on top of my arm.

"Yeah." I say pushing her hand away. "Is there something on my face?" I ask taking my mirror out.

"Did you just deny sushi?" Jeremy says confused.

"Alaska and California roll." Adds Eva holding his hand. "Her favorite."

I look at both and sigh in relief. "That's it?!" I ask confused. "I got worried for a moment there." I say in disbelief. "I'm not hungry okay, I just got detention and my mother is probably going to kill me, and you expect me to eat some sushi?" I say exasperated.

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