t w e n t y

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Week 4

I stare at the ceiling, not knowing what to say or do. He was asleep, and I didn't have it in me to walk out without a warning. Is already Monday, and as much as I'm dreading going to school, I have no other option.

Just knowing that Jer and Eva are probably going to try and talk to me, makes me nervous. I don't feel bad for the way I treated them yesterday, they should taste a little bit of their own medicine.

I grab my phone, it was currently four am and I was in Nate's bed. What is wrong with me? Why on earth did I do that? I have tons of texts and missed calls from Christopher. Such as where the hell are you? are you even coming home tonight? You're lucky your mom doesn't care, but I do. And much more, but what surprised me the most was the one he said he cares.

He's probably lying, like he always does, and tomorrow will be an asshole again. I stare at Nate from the corner of my eyes and cringe, remembering what happened last night. I couldn't believe I did it. Does that make us boyfriends? Am I in a relationship now. I surely hope not, it's enough with Christopher bickering in my ear 24/7.

I sigh wanting to stand up but only staying still. He moves, and I move too, laying on my stomach now. It wasn't a lie that his bed was better than mine, and that I didn't mind the smell of his sheets, they smell like him. But I wanted to go home.

I don't know when it happened, but between my debates and thoughts, I fell asleep. And it wasn't until his alarm went off that we both woke up. I still have my eyes close, but I can feel him staring at me.

"Morning." He says stretching and I pull the blanket over me. "You need to go home and change for school." He adds pulling the blanket away from me.

I glare at him and sit up, noticing that I was still on my underwear. I suddenly start feeling self-conscious of my body and put my dress on.

"I liked it better on the floor." He whispers kissing my shoulder.

I roll my eyes and stand up. I hope everyone is still asleep there.

"No kiss goodbye?" He asks mockingly.

"Our breath stinks." I say opening the door. "Maybe later."

"Fine." He replies, and sighs dramatically.

"And can this stay between us for now?" I ask anxious. "I don't want people knowing, especially not my brother." I finish, not trying to make him feel bad.

"Whatever you say." He says with a small smile. "Are you taking a ride with me or with him?"

"Probably with Chris." I say shrugging. "I have a deal with my sister, she likes when I'm there to drop her off at school."

"You have a sister?" He asks surprise.

"I do." I reply, remembering we know nothing about each other.

"If you're going to be my girl I need to know stuff about you." He says smirking.

"And vice versa." I add. "See you at school."

I get out of his room, blushing over what he said. His girl? I wonder having mixed emotions. But Eva and Jeremy will probably hate me forever if we are together. Since when do you care what they think? I remember myself rolling my eyes.

I go downstairs, praying that no one is here, especially his parents, and luckily no one was. So, I quickly jog home relieve.

I go upstairs feeling extremely weak. I tip toe on my feet and make it to my room, glad that Christopher was probably still sleeping. I open the door and almost scream, scared when I saw him inside, sleeping on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask shaking him.

"Where have you been!" He shouts standing up. "I've been worrying sick about you!"

I frown, surprised by his word, but pretend I'm not affected by them. "You told me to go out and leave my room."

"You could have text me at least."

"Why do you care anyways?" I say crossing my arms.

"I can't believe you have to ask me that." He says surprise. "You were all pale and sick. Something could have happened to you out there, and no one knew where you were."

I look at him, surprised. He was genuinely worried about me. I could see it in his face, he was worried sick.

"I'm sorry." I say feeling guilty, and lightheaded.

"Where were you?" He asks seriously.

I stare at his face, but it was kind of blurry.

"I know you weren't with Eva or Jeremy, since you basically kicked them of our house."

His voice was getting farther away, and I couldn't see him clearly, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything, to admit I was wrong.

"Katherine." I hear him say worried, I think.

"I don't feel too good." I whisper, and that was all I remembered.

I open my eyes again, and Christopher was staring at me. I was no longer on the floor, but in my comfortable bed. He had his arm crossed and a huge frown on his face.

I try to sit quickly but feel dizzy again and fell back to my pillow.

"If I was you I wouldn't try that." He says seriously, and I ignore him. "You shouldn't go to school today." He says demandingly.

I look at him and roll my eyes. "I do what I want." I say sitting up again, but slower.

"You need to rest." He says angry. "And eat."

"I'm fine."

"You're sick."

"Stop saying that!" I shout glaring at him. "I'm tired of people acting like they know me. I'm fine."

"You're staying home and that's final." He shouts leaving my room.

I lay my back again on my bed and sigh. I'm leaving with you. I texted Nate through DM, realizing it's time to get his phone number.

I will just drink some water or juice to feel better, but I was going to school, and I'm definitely not eating.

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