t w e n t y - f i v e

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I sit in the stairs listening to them fighting. This weekend has been eternal, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I could get out of this hell hole and go to school.

"She has a problem!" Christopher shouts hitting his hand again something. My guess was the table.

"She lost some weight, what's the big deal?" My mother asks, unbothered by the topic.

"Some weight?" He scoffs laughing. "The coach said she lost twenty pounds." He continues irritated. "In a month!" He screams.

"So?" She answers back, clearly getting angry. "That's called dedication, I'm proud of her. We should sue that guy for kicking her off the team! All the money I spent on him."

"You spent?" He asks exasperated. "You mean the money my father has spent! You haven't moved a finger since you married him, you don't work or have any money. He takes care of everything in this house, including your daughters."

I go down the stairs, eyes wide open. He didn't just say that.

"You have no right to talk to me that way!" She shouts surprised. "I'm not your mother, but you should treat me just like one! Didn't she show you some respect!" She continues angry. "Your father will know about this."

"Enough!" I scream entering the room. "Both of you, enough! Do you realize how pathetic this is?" I say standing between them. "You!" I say looking at my mother. "How old are you? Acting like a teen brat!" I shout angry. "And you!" I say turning around to look at Chris. "I'm not your sister, so stop trying to fix me."

I go out the door and leave the house. Listening to both calling my name. I knew that Christopher was going to go after me in any moment, so I ran as fast as possible. I get to Nate's house and knock on the door, but he didn't open the door, his father did. I take a step back and frown, looking at the floor.

"Can I help you?" He asks confused.

"It's Nate home?" I ask embarrassed.

"No." He replies with half a smile. "He'll be back in like an hour or so."

"Oh okay." I reply turning around.

"Do you want me to leave him a message?" He asks.

"No, thanks." I say leaving.

I start walking not knowing where to go. I had no friends or car, all I could do is walk. A few minutes go by and I turn around to go back home, I wasn't in the mood of being outside.

I get home and Christopher's car is not in the driveway, so I smile feeling relived. I go inside, and the house was silent. Neither mom or Olivia were there, and Damien was at work. I walk around the house and enter his office. Observing everything inside it, it was my first time here.

The only thing that caught my attention, were the plenty bottles of alcohol next to his desk. I grab one, not knowing what it was, and smelled it. They all smelled the same, awful, but I wanted to forget things, so I grab one and took a sip. It was awful, and I wonder why people drink this. Quickly I remembered my mother's wine collection and realized that was better than this, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed one.

I go to my room, drinking the less awful liquid and sit on my bed.

"Why do you drink this?" I whisper reading the outside of the bottle.

She didn't drink any alcohol before dad went away. I guess that having your husband go to jail can do that to you. I sigh thinking about him, he probably would care if he knew I was sick.

I fell asleep after almost finishing the bottle. My head was extremely dizzy and instead of feeling better, I felt worse.

"Katherine." I hear his annoying voice and I cover myself with my pillow.

"Go away." I murmur rolling around in my bed.

I feel the weight of his body on my mattress and I knew he was going to bother me. I sigh, but kept my eyes close, feeling awful. Not only did my head hurt, but my stomach felt weird.

"Where were you?" He asks concern.

"Here." I reply turning around and seeing him lying next to me. "You're stupid." I whisper with a smile. "I took a walk, a really short one by the way, and when I came back everyone was gone." I whisper shrugging.

"You're drunk." He sighs rolling his eyes.

"I am not." I reply wanting to laugh for some reason.

"There's a bottle of wine, almost empty there." He replies pointing at the floor.

"Are you scare I'm going to kiss you again?" I ask smiling.

"What?" He asks turning to look at the ceiling.

"I remember." I whisper moving closer to him. "I heard your conversation with Alec that day." I say shrugging. "Thought you were lying but, why would you say something like that when we both hate each other that much. Then I started remembering the other morning and I got traumatized. That's why I can't look at you in the face when you talk to me."

He stays silent and I push his arm, wondering if he fell asleep. "Oh." Is all he awkwardly says. "That's why you were looking at me like that." He whispers not looking at me. "Well, I'm not actually your brother." He replies turning to look at me.

"I know." I reply looking at the ceiling.

We keep quiet for a moment, and I was surprised he wasn't talking.

"I'm sick aren't I." I whisper admitting it for the first time.

"You are." He replies grabbing my hand.

"I'm sorry." I cry feeling sad. "Does it make me a bad person that I don't want to get better?" I ask turning to look at him.

He was already looking at me, pity was written all over his face. "It's not your fault you have a problem." He replies coming closer to me.

He starts rubbing my hair and I cry even more, feeling guilty for everything that has happened.

"I don't want to get better." I whisper depressed. "I don't want to be fat again."

"You were never fat." He whispers against my head. "You were just as beautiful before as you are now."

"I'm not beautiful." I whisper against his chest. "I'm fat, ugly and pathetic." I continue hating myself even more, and surprised I was telling him all this.

He kept quiet and I continue crying. He is the only that cares. Mom literally wants me to stay this way and lose more if possible.

"You're going to regret saying all this in the morning." He sighs, and I laugh.


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