n i n e t e e n

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Week 4

thinking, and my body was warm underneath my blanket. I was having an excellent time, but I knew something was bound to happen. There's not a moment in life when I can drown in my misery at peace.

"Get up." Christopher says pulling my perfectly warm blanket away from me.

I close my eyes, and pretend he's not there, so he would hopefully go away. A few seconds go by and he grabs my phone, pulling it abruptly making my headphones fly from my ears.

"Stop!" I shout glaring at him.

"It's been two days!" He screams angry. "You haven't gotten out of your room in two days Katherine, and you haven't eaten anything either."

I stare at him, wondering what I did to deserve such an annoying step brother. I certainly didn't ask for one, or any of this.

"You look so pale is not even normal anymore." He continues furiously. "And you want me to pretend like I don't see the marks on your face." He whispers frustrated. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"Then do nothing." I murmur closing my eyes.

"Katherine." He says desperate. "I know your mom doesn't care." He adds, and I open my eyes. "If she did, she would have done something a long time ago. And I see the way she treats you and talks to you." He says with the same face Harvey did when I started crying. "Just please eat, get out of your room, stop your obsession with exercising."

"Leave." I say not looking at him.

"What happened to you?" He asks frowning. "How did the annoying bitch of a sister that I had disappear and turned into this?"

He leaves, and I began to cry not knowing what to do. Why is everyone trying to tell me what to do? Why can't anyone mind their own business? Why am I here anymore?

"Life happened." I whisper falling at sleep.

Hours went by and I woke up to a knock on my door. Doesn't he get a clue?

I stand up and go to the door angry. "What part of leaving me alone don't you get Christopher?" I shout opening the door.

But it wasn't him, it was Jer and Eva. I stare at them confused and frown.

"Oh my god." She whispers sad.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask annoyed.

"Christopher called us." Jeremy says staring at me. "We thought he was exaggerating, that you were fine." He whispers in shock.

"Well," I say crossing my arms. "I didn't ask him to call you guys, so you can leave now."

They both look at each other confuse. "Katheri-

"What?" I ask angry. "You want to be friends now? You want to talk? You think I need you guys?" I continue raising my brows. "Because I certainly don't."


"But what?" I shout exasperated. "It was really easy for you guys to jump to conclusions and treat me like shit. Not to mention that it was completely unnecessary." I laugh realizing some things. "Oh my god," I continue still laughing, or crying, I wasn't sure anymore. "I even denied plenty of chance to hang with Nate and his friends, at school and here because I cared more about your opinion than my own happiness.

"Do you guys have any idea the hell you two put me through? Spending lunch alone every day at the bathroom. Not having anyone to talk to? Blaming myself for something that I didn't mean to? I really thought I texted you two the night of the party okay! But it's okay if you don't believe me, because I don't care anymore. Your hypocrites, coming here, pretending like you care." I finish cleaning my tears. "Leave my house now, and please continue ignoring me at school. It was really easy to forget about me, right? You can do that again now."

I close the door shot and go to my bed. He wants me to go out? To have fun? Then I will.

I take a shower and put some make up on. To hide the fact that I actually look like shit. It was either being thin and looking dead on the outside or being fat and looking alive. I rather look dead, I am inside anyways.

I put a dress on and some sandals, trying to be decent and went out my bedroom door. I tried my best to be silent, so Christopher wouldn't notice me, and it worked.

I cross the street and walk to the door, debating if this was right or wrong. In fact, why I was even doing this? I knock on the door and a few seconds later he appears on the door.

"Katherine." He says surprise and I smile.

"Hi." I reply shrugging.

I was worried for a while, but he quickly smiled, and I felt relieved.

"Come in." He adds, and I follow him inside.

The house was huge, just like Christopher's and it was really nice. I actually like it more than my own. It was all black and white and red, which was extremely pleasing for me.

"So," he says half smiling, while we enter his kitchen. "what brings you here?" He asks curiously.

"I don't know." I reply shrugging. "I couldn't stand another minute in that house." I continue. "With Christopher." I murmur.

"You guys really hate each other, don't you?" He says with a small chuckle. "With the amount of time you two have being living together, you should at least tolerate each other."

"It's not that simple." I reply.

"What something to drink?" He asks opening the fridge. "Or eat?"

"Water is fine." I reply, not wanting to break my 48 hours fast.

"I think we learn our lesson with alcohol." He adds and we both laugh.

We went upstairs to his room, after talking in the kitchen for twenty minutes or so. It was huge, like Chris, but his walls were gray, and his bedsheets were black and white, just like the rest of his house. It was surprisingly clean and in order, with a hint of boy cologne in the air.

"Nice room." I say jumping on his bed and laying my back on it. It was just as big as Christopher, why do boys have such huge beds?

"Are you comfortable?" He says, laughing.

"Yes." I reply looking at him and he lies his body next to mine.

I turn sideways, to face him and he does too. "Good." He whispers, putting his right hand on my head and playing with my hair.

I move closer to his face, and hesitate for a moment, but still kiss him anyways. He was surprised at first, but he kissed me back.

"Don't tell me you came here to finish what we started that day." He murmurs on my ear, making all my body hair bristled.

"I don't know." I whisper, not knowing what I was doing. "Let's find out." I reply and begin kissing him again.

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