t w e n t y - o n e

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Week 4

I get inside the building, trying to go unnoticed. If Christopher sees me here he would probably kill me. When I got to my locker Eva was there, and I sigh, not wanting to talk to her.

"Hey." She says with a small smile.

"What do you want?" I ask opening my locker.

"I'm sorry." She says sad. "I feel so guilty. If I had known-

"Known what exactly?" I ask staring at her.

"What is happening to you." She whispers.

"And what exactly is happening to me?" I whisper back glaring at her.

"You're sick." She says confused.

"I'm fine." I say shaking my head. "I need you to mind your own business. Don't believe everything Christopher says to you."

"I don't need talk to him to know." She says exasperated. "Look at you! When was the last time you had a bite of food?" She whispers.

I close my locker and walk past her. "This conversation is over." I say leaving her sight.

It was lunch time, and I had successfully managed to hide from Christopher. It helps too, that the seniors had classes in another hall.

"Are you eating lunch with me?" Nate asks appearing next to me.

"I can't." I reply feeling guilty.


"Chris doesn't know I'm here." I say closing my locker. "If he knew, he would kill me."

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asks coming closer to me. "Want me to talk to him?"

"No!" I quickly say. "You don't want to do that." I add trying to hide my panic. "And besides, what part of keeping this on the down-low don't you get?"

He comes closer to me, and I roll my eyes, knowing what he was about to do. He kisses me, and I kiss him back, but pull away quickly looking around in the hallway. If someone saw me I was doomed.

I was almost lucky. It's not like anything good happens in my life, but I was truly hoping to not get in trouble today.

"You!" Christopher shouts grabbing my arm.

I close my eyes and curse mentally. Really? I literally could have made it home without him seeing me.

"What on earth are you doing here?" He asks, walking us to his car.

"I had homework to give in." I reply innocently with a smile.

"Since when do you care about school?" He asks exasperated, opening his car door and pushing me inside.

The ride home was silent, and even Olivia didn't say a word. Which was nice for a change. When we got home I tried to go upstairs, but he literally dragged me to the kitchen.

"Eat." He says making me take a seat on the chair in front of the island.

"No." I reply crossing my arms. "I already ate at lunch." I lie not looking at him.

"What did you eat?" He asks getting a plate and putting a slice of salmon, some mashed potatoes and salad. My favorite.

I stare at the plate, feeling hungry, but knowing for a fact I wasn't eating that. "Food." I reply continuing my lie and not taking my eyes off the plate.

"Hmm." Was all he said crossing his arm. "Eat."



"I said no!"

"You are sick." He says shaking his head.

"I am not."

"Then why don't you eat a piece of this salmon?" He asks raising his brows. "Isn't it your favorite?"

"Are you trying to prove a point or something?" I ask exasperated.

"Yes." He says pushing the plate closer to me. "That you have a problem."

"I don't." I reply again getting tired of repeating the same thing again.

"Then why can't you eat this?" He asks raising his brows.

"Cause," I say glaring at him through gritted teeth. "I'm not hungry."

"It's just a bite Katherine, for god sakes just take a bite!"

I grab the fork and start playing around with my food. Maybe if I just eat something he will leave me alone. I grab a piece of the salmon with the fork and slowly put it in my mouth. I look down at the table while chewing my food and close my eyes. It tasted amazing and I wanted to cry. I didn't want to prove him right.

I finish my bite and look up, annoyed. "Happy now?" I ask moving the plate away from me.

"Now, finish it all." He demands crossing his arms.

"You're worse than coach Harvey." I whisper grabbing the fork again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks staring at me.

"Nothing." I murmur eating my food in despair.

"Does he know about this?"

"No!" I shout angry. "I'm eating the damn food Christopher, just shut up."

I finish eating it all and go upstairs, ready to purge. But he was behind me like a lost puppy.

"And don't even think about exercising." He says entering my room and taking a sit on my bed.

I glare at him, feeling extremely full. I need to get it out now, before it's too late, and with him here I obviously can't.

"Can I at least shower?" I Asks narrowing my eyes. "Or are you coming with me to the bathroom too?"

He stays in my bed, not standing up. Seriously? I take my shoes off and throw one at him, wishing it would land in his head and knock him out. He grabs it with one hand and puts it on the floor.

I proceed to take my sweater off, and he stares at my awful attempt to fix my skirt. "It broke." I say taking the safety pins off.

"Of course, it did." He replies sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Why isn't he leaving yet? I wonder literally taking my clothes off. I start unbuttoning my shirt and sigh. "Seriously Christopher are you going to shower with me too? If so start taking your clothes off or leave!" I shout grabbing his arm and try my best to pull him off my bed.

"Fine!" He shouts back standing up. "But I will be back when you're done."

I watch him go and quickly get inside the bathroom, making sure I locked both my bedroom and bathroom door.

I got in my knees, and just like countless times before, I put my fingers down my throat, making myself gag, tasting the awful taste on my mouth and getting everything out.

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