10. An early wake up

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My eyes flutter open to the sound of my phone going off. Its still earlier then my alarm so I let it keep going, who is even calling me now? Don't they know I'm not a morning person!? They finally stop only to call back a moment later. I grit my teeth and grab my phone, answering the call. "What?!", I growl into the phone. "Oh hey (Y/n) its Itachi". His voice was cheerful, damn you morning people. "I can tell, now what do you want?". "You're still as angry in the morning as ever, anyway we're having an early morning practice so be ready in ten minutes". Your answer... "No". "What do you mean no?". "I never agreed to waking up at ridiculous o'clock, I hope you injure yourself somehow". "Oh come on (Y/n), Kisame's here", he coos. You can hear another voice on the other end. "Who are you talking to?", Kisame asks, he sounds kinda sleepy. You mind filled with thoughts of how adorable he must look when he is tired. You slap the thoughts away. "Oh its just (Y/n), she's not a morning person". Kisame hummed in response. "Is Ino coming?", I ask. "Yeah". "And who organized this morning practice?". "I did". You glare at everything, your lips formed an even larger frown. "You've gotta be kidding me, you did this on purpose didn't you", you accuse. Itachi chuckles. "No not at all, we'll be at your apartment in five minutes so you better be ready". You scoff and turn your phone off. No way were you going to get up for a 'morning practice'. You pull your blanket over your head and fell back asleep.

With Itachi, Ino and Kisame

The three pulled up at your apartment in Itachi's car. Ino sat in the passenger seat and Kisame sat in the back. They all got out and walked to your apartment building. The lobby was nicely decorated and there was barely anyone around. "Good morning Miss Yamanaka", the receptionist greets. Ino sends her smile as she approaches. "Do you have any spare keys for (Y/n)'s room, she's expecting us", Ino smirks. The woman chuckles and hands her a key. "Make sure not to make too much noise". The three nod and walk into an open elevator. "Should we really be going into her apartment without asking?", Kisame asks. Ino and Itachi nod. "Its the way we have always done it, she probably won't even be awake", Ino says. Itachi nods in agreement. Kisame looks around as we exit the elevator. "Does she live alone?". Ino shakes her head. "She has a room mate but she's away at the moment". They approach her door and then unlock it, walking in. It was quite a nice apartment, decorated really well. "I'm guessing (Y/n) didn't do this", Itachi chuckles. Ino nods, placing her hand over her mouth to suppress her laughter. Kisame was still confused. They walk into the living room and they see a large tv and a lot of video games and consoles. Ino sighs and shakes her head in disappointment at the sight. "That girl never learns".

Ino walks up to one of the doors coming off the living room and swings it open. It was dark so she switched the light on. Now everything was revealed, your walls covered in posters and desk covered in figures. There was a lump in the bed covered in blankets. Ino giggled and jumped on top of you. "Come on (Y/n) get up", she complains. You groan and shift slightly. "Konan, five more minutes". Ino rips the blankets off of you and you hiss at the light. "Get off of me", you yell. Ino jumps off of you and you sit up to see not only her but Itachi and Kisame too. "I told you to get ready", Itachi tutted. You sent him a sleepy glare and lay back down. "Go with out me, I'm going to sleep". Itachi sat on the bed and poked your cheek several times. "Aw come on, what if I get injured?". You roll over and pull the blankets over your head. "If you don't let me sleep you'll really be needing medical assistance", you threaten. His eyes widen and he runs to the doorway where Kisame was standing. He turns to Ino and she smirks. "Ok you two go wait in the living room, I'll get her ready".

Itachi and Kisame sat in the living room. Kisame was still looking around, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "She's a big nerd, just like you", Itachi chuckles. Heat rushes to Kisame's cheeks and he shakes his head. "W-whatever". Suddenly they heard a strange noise, it was like a growl. Then there was a little bit of yelling. "Get off of me!". "(Y/n) if you don't get changed, I will change you". "Fine, just let go!". There was silence of a moment. "You pervert, quit touching me there!". "I was only trying to help!". "I can put my bra on just fine thank you!". Itachi chuckled and lent back in his seat. "So has she always been like this?", Kisame asks. Itachi nods. "Not only were we friends in high school but we've known each other forever. Her mother and mine grew up together and we did too, we were actually neighbors for a little bit but her mother passed away and they couldn't afford their house so they had to move out. She's always been a nerdy girl but she loves football, we used to play when we were younger. Also she isn't a morning person, not at all", he trailed off. Kisame nodded and looked over at the tv, next to it were the newest consoles, ones he wished he had. "Where does she get the money to buy all that?". Itachi looks over and chuckles quietly. "She's a really determined person, she'll do whatever it takes. I remember there was a new console out and she took on three part time jobs just to get it". The bedroom door swing open and Ino pushes (Y/n) out. "If you had stayed still I could've done your make up", Ino complains. "I don't wear make up, its a waste of time and money", you scoff. Ino rolls he eyes and drags you over to the boys. "Lets go!", she announces.

You got into the back of the car and Kisame did the same. You were so tired that you barely even noticed him. "Are you alright?", he asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. You sleepily rub your eyes and nod. "Yeah, just tired". You place your hand over your mouth as you yawn. The car stared and pulled away from your apartment. You were struggling to stay awake. "Where are we going?", you ask. "We're spending the whole day training a few towns over", Itachi says. You groan and lean your head back. "I have to go to work". Ino giggles and shakes her head. "I got us the day off". I roll my eyes, muttering complaints under my breath. "What was that?", Ino asks, holding her hand up to her ear. "I said I was saving up for something". "And what would that be?", Itachi asks. "I was gonna buy a long metal pole to shove right up your-". "Ok ok that's enough", Itachi laughs. You sigh and stare out the window. You could feel yourself drifting off and you kept trying to fight it. Eventually you gave in.

Kisame's POV

Her room, amazing. I recognized a lot of the stuff in there, the anime was stuff I watched too. Maybe I could talk to her about it, then we'd have something in common we could talk about. The new episode of (anime) coming out on Sunday, maybe we could watch it together. I blushed at the thought. Then my eyes drifted to the ground where a (color) lacy bra sat. I mentally scolded myself, pervert. Ino pulled the covers off of her and she sat up. She looked so sleepy and I thought it was adorable, heat rushed to my cheeks so I stepped back to the doorway. Then we sat in the living room waiting for them. She came out a few minutes later wearing a (color) dress, she had no idea she was wearing it. She looked pretty, I admit it. But she didn't look too pleased about the early wake up though. Next we got in the car. I sat next to her and it seemed like she hadn't even noticed me, it kinda hurt. I asked her if she was ok and she said she was. At least she knows that I'm here. I let out a long yet quiet sigh and sink into my seat. There was a small argument between (Y/n) and the others but it ended quickly. Suddenly I feel something on my shoulder. I look down and see she has fallen asleep... on me. Heat rushes to my cheeks and my entire body tenses. Ino looks back at us and chuckles. "You two are too cute, just date already". If possible I would've gone redder. Itachi chuckled and adjusted his rear view mirror so he could see me. "Don't get too worked up about it, relax and just let her sleep". I managed to relax and she seemed to snuggle into my arm. It was fine, I didn't mind. But then she wrapped her arms around my arm, her chest pressed up against my elbow. I wanted to move her but I didn't want to wake her up, I felt perverted and disgusting. Ino looked back and giggled again. "Just leave her like that, its her own fault that she stayed up too late". I sigh and adjust myself so she's not pressed up against me. Her head rests on my shoulder, pieces of hair fall in her face. I want to brush them behind her ear but is that too much. I have this urge to do these things I would never think to do whenever I'm around her. It's strange and I can't explain it.

I wrote this yesterday but my internet cut out and I couldn't publish it, damn you internet! I hope you liked this chapter it longer then one I would usually do. I usually write 800 words, something around that but this one was like 1700 words. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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