14. Morning

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My phone goes off playing the theme of my favorite anime. I groan and sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. I have to go to work and I don't want to. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand. That's when I realize that I'm not in my own room, I'm in Konan's. My eyes widen as I begin to remember last night and the fact that Kisame is staying the night, in my bed! I leave Konan's room and head into the living room to see Tobi fast asleep, his blanket has fallen off so I pull it up for him. He snuggles into his pillow and lets out a quiet snore. I then head to my own room. I open the door as quietly and walk in. Kisame is fast asleep with his back to me. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab my work clothes. I leave the room quietly and make it to my bathroom for a quick shower.

Twenty minutes later I'm out and dressed in my usual work attire. I pack my back and then head to my room. I open the door and walk over to the bed, sitting next to Kisame. I gently shake his shoulder, calling his name in order to walk him up.

Kisame's POV

"Kisame, hey Kisame wake up". I groan and roll over, squinting up at the person who's woken me up. "Who is it?", I ask while rubbing my eyes. "Its (Y/n)", she giggles. Once my sight is restored I see her, her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail and she's wearing a while a black dress with a white lab coat. "I'm leaving for work now, I've left some money for the bus on the counter for you". "Why do you have to leave so early?", I ask. She giggles and sends me a closed eyed smile. "Someones got to look after the people in the hospital. Anyway you can hang out here as long as you like, I don't really mind. Also tell Tobi that I said goodbye, I don't want to wake him". I nod and watch as she stands and makes her way to the door. She turns back and waves to me before disappearing behind it. I sigh and pull the covers up to my chin. I roll over with my face in her pillow, it smells of her perfume. A smile graces my lips as a drift off into a deep sleep.


"Hey Kisame, hey Kisame wake up!". My eyes snap open and I quickly sit up knocking Tobi off of the bed. "Ow Kisame hurt Tobi", he whines. I sigh and get out of bed. "What do you want, Tobi?", I ask the masked man. "Well Kisame was saying (Y/n)-chan's name in his sleep". Heat rushes to my cheeks and I glare at Tobi. "If you tell anyone about that I will honestly kill you". Tobi nods quickly. "Why was Kisame sleeping in (Y/n)-chan's room, did (Y/n)-chan sleep in here too?". My blush intensifies as I shake my head. "No she slept in her room mates room". "Mmm (Y/n)-chan's room smells like candy", Tobi enthuses. I nod slowly. "Can you get out for a sec, I need to get changed". Tobi salutes before running out into the living room. I let out a long sigh, taking  a look around the room. Posters covered the walls, anime and bands that I personally liked myself. On her dresser were figurines of characters I knew and on her bookshelf were entire collections of manga I wished I had. I grabbed my bag and began changing my clothes.

I walk out of her bedroom to see Tobi searching through her cupboards. "You shouldn't do that Tobi", I sigh. Tobi shakes his head and holds up a note.

Kisame and Tobi
Help yourself to whatever you want in the kitchen
I don't mind just as long as you don't eat it all
Love (Y/n)

"See, (Y/n)-chan said that Tobi and Kisame can eat anything". He grabs a bag of candy and dives onto the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV to watch cartoons. I sigh and look around the kitchen, there are a couple framed photo's on the wall. They're of (Y/n) and a blue haired girl, (Y/n) looks so happy in them. There's even a photo of (Y/n) in what looks like high school. I recognized one of the other girls in the photo as Ino then there was also a girl with brown hair in two buns, a girl with pink hair and one with long black/navy blue hair. They were all dressed in a football uniform and covered in mud. Next to them was an older man who looked a little like (Y/n), that must've been her dad. "Hey Kisame what are you doing? Hurry up, Spongebob's on!", Tobi yells. I sigh and make my way to the living room. I'll leave later, I guess I can just hang out here for the time being.

How I would love to wake up to Kisame in my bed.... sorry I sound a little perverted there but I'm not denying it :D. The day will finish in the next chapter so you'll find out how work and the practice goes. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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