24. Check-ups

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I woke up with a throbbing headache. Maybe it was from working in the E.R yesterday and if so I hoped that I wouldn't have to work in there again today, its mentally and physically exhausting. I sluggishly push myself out of bed and shuffle slowing into the kitchen. My eyes widen at the sight of a note on the counter.

Hey (Y/n)
You fell asleep at practice so I dropped you off home and put you in bed

Never had your face been so red, you were blushing just thinking about it. Kisame had carried you up to your apartment and put you in your bed. You hoped you hadn't done anything embarrassing like snore or talk in your sleep, you seemed to do that quite often according to Konan. You managed to calm yourself done and then made yourself some breakfast, sitting down on the couch with it to watch some anime.


"Good morning (Y/n)-san", Rin greets with a large smile. "Oh hey Rin, are you here for your arm again?", you ask. Her face heats up and she quickly shakes her head. "Um no I actually hit my head this morning and I've been feeling really dizzy", she says, gently rubbing her temples. "And how did you get here?". "Oh, Tobi drove me". "And where is he now?". Rin poked her head out the door and then came back in. "He's just outside in the waiting room". I sigh and raise an eyebrow at her. "Tobi shouldn't be driving yet, has he been cleared by a doctor?". She nods. "Ino-san said that he was fine". You sigh in relief and begin to question the brown-haired girl. "Ok so I think that you're concussed, you'll need to make sure that you always have someone with you just in case you get hurt". She gasps. "I don't think I can, Tobi is supposed to be going to the beach with his team in a couple of days". You send her a smile and pat her head. "It'll be fine, just come with us and I'll watch over you". "Really?!". "Yeah sure, Ino will be there too". "Yay I get to hang out with my best friends!", she cheers, wrapping you in a tight hug. You giggle at the antics of the smaller girl and pull away from the hug. "Just take it easy today and I'll watch over you on the trip tomorrow". She happily nods and tries to stand up, only to fall over. "Woah I'm really dizzy", she says, rubbing her head. I support her by slipping her arm around my shoulder and begin to walk out into the waiting room.

"Ohayo (Y/n)-chan!", Tobi greets. "Oh hey Tobi", you say with a smile. "What is wrong with Rin-chan?", he asks, worry evident in his childish voice. "She only has a mild concussion which should be gone in a few days, you'll have to watch her all day, ok Tobi?". He enthusiastically nods. "Also I've prescribed her something for head pains and dizziness so take a pill every 4-5 hours". They both nod and walk off, leaving me alone in the hall. I was just about to head back to my office when I heard someone call my name.

I turned my head to see Karin running towards me at full speed. She suddenly stops and stares at me with wide eyes. "Why aren't you in the E.R?", she questions. You mentally smirk, you knew this bitch was the reason for your exhaustion yesterday. "Oh, there was a mistake with my preferred jobs yesterday so this morning I called in and made sure that I wasn't working in the E.R. Anyway why does my job concern you?", you ask, trying not to show your suspicion. "Its nothing really? I was just curious as to why you were in there yesterday, I thought you hated working in the E.R". Trying to act all chummy with me, bitch back the fuck up (A/n: From this, you can see exactly how I feel about Karin X3). Suddenly someone walks around the corner and smiles widely at you. "Oh hey (Y/n), I'm glad you're working today". You mentally curse. "Hey Sasuke, I haven't seen you since the party". He nods and sends you a smile. "I was supposed to come in and see you yesterday but they said you were busy". "Sasuke-kun I was here yesterday, I could've done your check-up for you", Karin pouts, trying to act cute. Sasuke completely ignores her and pulls you into your office, closing the door in the redheads face.

You let out a long sigh and take a seat in your chair. "Where were you yesterday?", he asks. "Well Karin changed my jobs around so I was stuck in the E.R", you complain. "Why would she do that?", he asks, taking a seat on the bed in your office. "She heard you were coming and wanted to do your check-up". He sighs and begins taking the bandage off of his knee. "Y'know that she won't leave me alone. She follows me everywhere and blows up my phone with annoying texts and calls". You chuckle and pick up Sasuke's chart, looking at it. "You should give her a chance, she's so determined and she's smart too". Sasuke scoffs. "No way in hell". You sigh again and look at the chart, only to be distracted by your phone. You look at it on your desk and smile lightly. "Who is it?", Sasuke asks. "Oh its just Itachi". Sasuke frowns. "What's with that expression?", you chuckle. "You don't like Itachi, right? Like in a romantic way?". You shake your head, letting out a scoff. "Of course not, Itachi is like my best friend". "Hn, good". You roll your eyes. There was a moment of silence before the nosy Uchiha decided to ask more questions. "And what did my brother want?". "He asked if I wanted to hang out with him and Kisame tonight". "Are you gonna go?". "Yep, tomorrow we are all going to the beach anyway so I might as well stay the night". Sasuke doesn't say anything after that. "Ok, now I'll examine your knee!". "No need to yell", he mutters. You shrug your shoulders. "It sounds more important when you announce it first", you giggle. If you were paying attention you would've noticed the bright red blush on his face. But little oblivious you didn't have a single clue. (A/n: I'm a poet and I didn't even know it ;))

Well in the next chapter you will be hanging out with Kisame and Itachi in their apartment before you all head to the beach. Let's hope that everything goes well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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