27. With you

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"Hey (Y/n) its time to get up", Itachi whispers, nudging you lightly. Your eyes flutter open and are met with the bright smile of the older Uchiha brother. "Ugh, I don't wanna wake up", you groan. "Well, I made you breakfast so you better get up and eat it before it gets cold". You let out another groan and pull the blanket over your head. "Not feeling it?", he asks. You nod. He chuckles and scoops you up in his arms. "Too bad". You don't even bother complaining, just resting your head on his chest gives you a sense of comfort. He walks you somewhere and knocks on something that you would imagine to be a door. You hear the door open. "Oh uh morning, Itachi". You mentally panic, you knew exactly who it was. "Here Kisame, take this", he says. You fell movement and now you were being held in a pair of arms far more muscular than Itachi's. "These feel a lot heavier than before", Kisame says. You let out a quiet giggle. "I'm in here too", you call out. You move the blanket off of your head and smile up at the blue-skinned man. "Oh (Y/n), I had no idea that you were in here", he chuckled. He placed you on his bed and helped you up. It was only now that you were fully awake and noticed that Kisame was lacking a shirt. You felt the blood dripping from your nose but managed to hide it before he could notice. Itachi snickered, causing you to send him a glare. "Why don't you two come to the kitchen when you're ready?". He then closes the door causing you to raise an eyebrow at the door he disappeared behind.

After a couple of seconds, you decided to look around the room, recognizing a couple posters and figures from anime you like. "Woah, your room is really cool". His face heats up lightly as he rubs the back of his neck. "Nah, its nothing compared to yours". You walk around and recognize a couple of figures that you had, also noticing one you hadn't got yet. "Wow, I've been looking for this one forever, where did you find it?", you ask. "Oh, Itachi gave it to me for my birthday last year". You giggle and inspect it. "I should get him to find me one, I've been searching for it forever". If you turned around you would've noticed the loving smile that graced Kisame's lips as he watched you. You snapped out of your fangirling over the figure and turned around, sending him a closed-eyed smile. "Well, I'm gonna go get breakfast now". He nods and watches your retreating figure as you walk out of his room.

You enter the kitchen and notice Itachi plating up breakfast. You roll your eyes and take a seat at the table. "You told me it was ready", you scoff. He just smirks. "If I told you it wasn't ready you would've been even more inclined to stay in bed, we need to eat and then pick up Ino. If we are late Pein is going to skin me", he chuckles. You sigh and rest your cheek in the palm of your hand, your elbow on the table. Itachi places a plate of food in front of you. "Now eat up, we don't have much time". You roll your eyes again. "Whatever you say, Dad". He sends you a small smile and places a plate opposite you and one beside you. Itachi sits opposite you and you sweatdrop at the Uchiha's attempt to get you and Kisame together.

A few minutes later Kisame exited his room, changed and ready for the day. "Aw, you guys started without me", he laughs with a playful pout. You send him a wide smile and swallow the food that you were chewing. "Yeah sorry about that, we were about to die of starvation". He chuckles and sits beside you, beginning to eat.


"(Y/n) hurry up", Itachi complains. "But I'm almost done, just let me have one more". He sighs. "If you leave it and get in the car now I will personally pay for your lunch". Yous face lights up. "Really?!". "Of course, I never go back on my word". You roll your eyes, knowing that that was a complete lie. "Are you sure?". "Yeah, I promise I will pay for your lunch". You give him a suspicious look and then turn to Kisame. "Kisame you're my witness". He nods, his mouth too full of food to speak. "I don't care if you're not finished, get in the car now!". Itachi was sounding serious even though the light smile on his face never left. You had only seen Itachi angry a couple of times. Once was when you were too reckless playing football and pulled a muscle, ending up in hospital. He was really scary and you made sure to stretch out properly before every game. "(Y/n) I won't tell you again". Kisame grabs your arm and pulls you out of the apartment. You look up and send him a smile. "Uh thanks, any second later and Itachi would've killed me for sure". He chuckles and gives a nod.

You reach Itachi's car and look at each other, knowing exactly what you were thinking. Who exactly is going to get the front seat? "You can sit in the front if you want", you say. Kisame shakes his head. "No it's ok, you take the front seat, I prefer the back anyway". Kisame unlocks the car and gets in the back. I stare at the front seat for a few seconds before walking to the other side of the car and getting into the back beside him. He raises an eyebrow at me. "You know you can take the front, I really don't mind". You shrug your shoulders and lean back in your seat. "I wouldn't want to leave you back here with Ino anyway, she'll bore you to death and I like it back here. You can take the front if you want". He smiles lightly and shakes his head. "Nah, I might just stay back here... with you". You smiled down at your lap, a light blush dusting your cheeks. The driver's door opens and Itachi gets into his seat, looking back at the two of you. "I guess you two really like the back seat, huh?". You both nodded but you knew that wasn't the reason you were sitting here now.

Sorry, I was supposed to update this yesterday but my computer was being a son of a bitch and I really just wanted to stab it. I got a new cat and it is super cute! So happy. I already have a cat, he's ginger and his name is Taika, like the director Taika Waititi that directed Thor Ragnarok. I think he's about 1 year old at the moment. Our new cat is white and he's a ragdoll, I want to call him Nero after the caterpillar from Danger mouse (It's an old British kids tv show). Well I hope that name gets through, I would love to call him Yuri (Snow in Japanese) or Moon (The name of the cat in Whisper of the heart) but I'm not sure my Mum would be into my weird Otakuness. Anyway enough about cats. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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