31. Family

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"Come on, (Y/n), Ino, its time to get up!", Rin cheers. You both groan and roll away from the energetic brunette, hiding your heads beneath your pillows. "I don't want to", Ino mutters sleepily. You don't bother responding. Suddenly the door slams open and someone runs in. You are scooped up in someone's arms and ran out of the room. You sigh and open your eyes, looking up at your captor. "Shisui?", You mutter. He gives you a big smile and nods, running you into the kitchen where everyone else seemed to be gathered. He took a seat at the kitchen table and sat you on his lap, your head resting on his shoulder. "It's been a while since I've seen that", Madara chuckles. You groan just remembering. Shisui used to do this all the time when you were staying over. Since Itachi was your childhood friend as well as best friend you hung out often. Shisui was a couple years older than you and Itachi were 23. Growing up with the Uchiha boys was fun but as well as those two there were also Sasuke and Izuna who followed you three around. Sasuke was only a year younger than you, 22, and Izuna was 19. You loved their family, they treated you like their own. The only person you weren't a fan of was Itachi and Sasuke's father, he was really scary. You found it hard to see why such a kind and beautiful woman like Mikoto ended up with such a demon like Fugaku.

Suddenly fingers are snapped in front of your face. "Hey (Y/n), don't go back to sleep", Shisui teases. You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm still tired", you murmur. He chuckles and rubs your back. "Even after all these years you still say the same thing, you'll never be a morning person, will you?". You shake your head. "No way".

Shisui looks around the table and noticed everyone looking at him. "You and (Y/n) seem close, are you dating?", Pein asks, startling everyone at the table. Even though it was shocking and pretty blunt, that was what everyone else was thinking. He gives a nervous chuckle and shakes his head. "No, (Y/n) is like a little sister me, the same goes for the rest of us. Well... except Sasuke. He won't admit it but he really likes her but I don't what kind of guy (Y/n) likes, I mean she's never dated anyone, I don't think she's even had her first kiss". Ino, who was now sitting at the table, let out a quiet giggle, gathering the attention of the others. "What is it un?", Deidara asks. "Well (Y/n) actually has had her first kiss". Madara's eyes widened and he put down his newspaper. "What? With who?". Ino shrugs her shoulders and leans back in her chair as she sips at her coffee. "It was at a party, she doesn't know his name or face. All she knows is that they kissed and she never saw him again". Shisui chuckles as he slides you off his lap, placing you in the chair next to his. "I gotta tell Sasuke, he'll be so mad". You groan and rest your chin in the palm of your hand. "Please don't, I don't need him lecturing me again". It was true, Sasuke always gave you lecture which also proved Shisui's point that the duckbutt Uchiha was head over heels in love with you. Whether you walked home in the dark or smiled at a waiter in a cafe he was always like "If you walk around at night you're gonna get molested" or "If you smile at him you'll give him the wrong idea, just look down and don't make eye contact". You sigh and look up at Itachi who was sitting across from you. "Hey uh, Sasuke isn't a yandere, right?". Itachi chuckles and shakes his head. "Little brother would never be someone like that, he just likes to get jealous from afar and then complain afterward". You nod and watch as Black and White Zetsu emerged from the kitchen carrying plates of food. You were so hungry, it was perfect timing.


You all finished your food and hung around in the living room for a while. You wanted to spend some time with Madara and Shisui before they went home, they were leaving very soon. Madara looked at the clock and let out a sigh as he pushed himself off the couch. "I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer, I have work tomorrow and Shisui needs to get back to work as well". You jump up with Itachi and Shisui. "I'll come see you off". They both give a happy smile and nod.

You walked out to the car and gave Madara a big hug first. "Well, it was very nice to see you again, (Y/n). It would be lovely to see you again, just give me a call and drop by whenever you like". You smiled brightly and nodded. "Of course, I would love to see Izuna again". He pats your head before getting in the driver's seat. Shisui ran over to you and tackled you in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much, you have to promise you'll come to the family dinner, ok?". You give a determined nod and smile over at Itachi. "I'll be sure to come this year". He smirks and kisses you on the cheek before jumping into the car. You rolled your eyes at the older male and waved to the two as they pulled away. Itachi wrapped his arm around your shoulder and rested his head on yours. "Well, you're definitely coming to this years family dinner. Mother was actually asking about you and was super happy to hear we were back in touch. She wants you to be there as well".

You let out a sigh as well as a small smile. You were glad to reconnect with the Uchiha's, your father was quite often away for work and you spent a lot of time with them while growing up. It was only when your father got sick that he stopped working, he was an athlete and his illness caused his performance to decrease dramatically. He had to retire early and give up on his dream job. After that you spent more time at home with him, it was your second year of high school that this all started. Then after that, you moved away to go to University and not long after that he had passed away. You felt your mood decrease, you thought you had gotten over it but the sadness just came rushing back all of a sudden.

Without warning, you felt Itachi move his arms to hug you. "You don't need to think about it, ok? Just relax and enjoy yourself, it's just like old times". You smiled at the memories with the boys at this very beach house. Once you had calmed down Itachi let go of you and pulled you towards the house. "Come on, we don't want to waste any time! Let's go to the beach".

Damn, I wish I knew all of the Uchihas. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter because I loved writing it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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