28. Arrival

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"And we're here!", Itachi announces. You smile brightly at the sight of the beach out your window. "Wow, I haven't been here since high school". Itachi chuckles and sends you a smile in the rearview mirror. "It seems like forever since we were here last. I wonder if all the pictures are still up from when we were kids". "Oh they will be, Mom always liked to have the house covered in them". You look forward at Ino and she sends you a sleepy smile, she had just woken up. "I haven't been to the beach since high school as well, I went with you and Sakura one year". You let out a small giggle and nod. "I remember that, we stayed up all night talking and got really tired so we wasted an entire day sleeping". While Ino continued talking about our trip to the beach in high school I looked over at Kisame. It was hard not to, his head was resting on your shoulder. You didn't really mind, it was Kisame after all. Suddenly the car comes to a sudden stop and Kisame straightens up. "Where are we now?", he asks, looking at me. "Oh, we just arrived at the beach, we're not too far away from Itachi's family's beach house". He slowly nods and stretches out his limbs, letting out a long yawn. "I can't believe I slept for most of the way". "Yeah, you didn't wake up once", you chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck with heated cheeks. "Didn't get too much sleep last night", he said quietly. You rolled your eyes. "We all went to bed at the same time". "Haha yeah... I stayed up for a couple more hours and went to bed at about 3 am". You sigh and lean back in your seat, looking forward at Itachi, waiting for the lecture. "I would scold you for not listening to me but it's your own fault, you'll just be tired for the rest of the day, I guess". You giggle at the two and then give your attention back to the ocean, it was nice to be back.


Itachi pulled up in front of the large beach house and was greeted by the unimpressed look of Pein. "You're late", he mutters. Itachi sweatdrops. "Yeah, sorry about that. Ino spent a while doing her makeup and we had to wait". Sasori glares at the Uchiha and scoffs. "We've been waiting for you for half an hour, we can't get in without you". Itachi sighs and approaches the door, swinging it open without needing a key. "The door is unlocked, my uncle and cousin were staying here". Your face lights up. "Madara and Shisui?". He nods and grabs your wrist pulling you inside. "Come see them, they missed you heaps".

The Uchiha leads you down the long corridor and into the familiar living room where two people sat. Madara was sat in an armchair, reading a newspaper, while Shisui was playing video games. "We have a special guest", Itachi announces. The two raven-haired males turn their heads in your direction, their faces lighting up. "(Y/n)!", Shisui cheers, jumping off of the couch and wrapping you in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever, where have you been?", he asks. You shrug your shoulders. "I just finished studying at University and now I'm working in Konoha hospital". He releases you and sends you a bright smile. "That's great, you should come over and visit more often". You give a determined nod. "Okay, I would love to". Next, you are hugged by Madara. "It has been a long time since we last saw each other, child". You nod. "Yeah, I haven't seen you since graduation". "You've grown a bit taller than last time, you look l lot like your father now, I can even see a bit of your mother too". Your smile brightens. "Really?". He nods. He places his hand on your head and ruffles your hair. "It was nice to see you again, (Y/n)". "You too". "When are you going back home?", you ask. "Oh, we're leaving tomorrow morning. I'll make sure to hang out with you before we go", Shisui says. You smile. "Yeah, that sounds like fun".

Suddenly the rest of the team walks in. "So where are we staying?", Kisame asks Itachi. "Pein's organized you into groups, Of course (Y/n), Rin and Ino will be together, he'll tell us the groups in a sec".

Itachi lead us all down the long corridor and stopped in front of 4 doors. He glanced at Pein who nodded in return. "Ok then, there are four rooms and so I have split you all up into groups of four, except the girls who only have three and one room which can only fit 2 people". We nod and wait to hear the list. "Ok in room 1 will be (Y/n), Ino and Rin, in room 2 will be Kisame, Itachi, Tobi and I, in room 3 will be Deidara, Sasori, Hidan and Kakuzu and in the final room, room 4, will be White and Black Zetsu. Any questions?". We all shake our heads. "Ok good, now go and get unpacked". We follow his orders and enter our rooms.

"I can't wait!", Rin squeals. You nod and glance over at the empty bed, there were four beds and only three of you. "I wonder why they had four bed in here", you wonder aloud. "Pein said that his girlfriend was supposed to be coming but something at work came up and so she couldn't come". You slowly nod. You wondered what she was like, Pein's girlfriend. It would be nice to have another girl here, maybe one day you could meet her.

My apologies, I haven't updated this for just under a week. Yeah... I completely forgot about it. *Insert nervous laughter*. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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