19. Intentional

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I grab a spare shirt and slip it over my head, putting on shin pads, long socks and boots as well. "Are you ready?", Pein asks. I nod my head and look over at Tobi who is laying down by Ino. She is doing her best to make him feel better but I know that right now he isn't, its a good thing he was taken off the pitch. I let out a long sigh and walk over to Pein and the others. "You excited to play again?", Itachi asks. I shrug my shoulders. I did love to play but it always seemed to remind me of my father and how he used to yell and start fights with the other parents. A small smile graced my lips as I made my way to the goal, slipping my gloves over my hands. Sasori looked back at me blankly. "Play how you did at our practice and we will win". I nod and turn to the referee giving him a thumbs up to let him know I'm ready. He sends me an acknowledging nod and blows the whistle. The other team had possession of the ball and threw it in from the side line. Their passes were so fast I found it hard to keep up but managed in the end. I glared at Zabuza as he stole the ball of Pein and took it down the right wing towards the goal. He took a shot. It was a very good shot but I wasn't gonna let this one get in. I jump up and catch it before running forward to boot the ball over halfway, in the direction of Deidara. Dei passed it to Pein who passed it to White Zetsu on the wing. He kicked it across the goal and Kisame managed to score the first goal of the game. This was the moment when I realized that there was a large crowd, not as big as those at international games but pretty big. Everyone cheered, waving their hands around as they congratulated the team. Kisame looked around with a toothy grin, I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle.


The ball went back and forth. They would take a shot at my goal and I would stop it, there was only one time where I slipped up and dropped the ball but I quickly picked it up before they could kick it into the goal. Suddenly the whistle was blown and first half was over. "Damn that was fucking quick!", Hidan exclaims, stretching his arms above his head. I nod and take a seat beside Tobi. "How are you feeling, Tobi?", you ask he masked man child. "Ow Tobi has a sore head", he whines quietly. You sigh and look in the crowd to see a distressed brunette woman running onto the pitch. As she gets closer you realize that its Rin. You wave to her and she sprints over to you. "Oh my kami! Are you alright Tobi?", she worries. "Tobi is Ok Rin-chan, Ino-chan has been taking care of Tobi". Rin sighs in relief and hugs her concussed boyfriend.

I stand and make my way over to the guys who aren't standing to far away. Pein gives me a small smile and pats my head. "You did great out there", he compliments. You shrug your shoulders. "I was just doing what you asked". "They've taken like twenty shots at goal, un and you haven't let any of them pass you", Deidara cheers. You giggle and smile at the blonde. "Yeah I'm trying my hardest out there". Suddenly the whistle is blown. "Shit its the second half", Hidan says, standing back up. We all huddle in a circle, I was stuck between Black and White Zetsu. "Ok do the same as the first half", Pein instructs. "We've only scored once and they haven't scored at all, if they get one goal we'll be tied so we need more goals to ensure our win. We're only half way through". We all nod and then run back out onto the field, if we want to win we're gonna have to keep this up.

Since we kicked off it was time for Kirigakure to start. Zabuza passed the ball to the only female in heir team who's name was apparently Ameyuri. She was quite intimidating as she approached the goal but I held my ground, I'm not going to give in. She looked like she was about to take a shot but faked it and passed it to Zabuza. I swallowed hard as I watched him smirk, swinging back his leg to kick the ball full force at the goal. But no... that wasn't his intention. What he wanted was to hit me. I reached forward and caught the ball before it could hit me directly in the face. This somehow lit a fire within me. He must've done the same to Tobi but the poor masked boy didn't know and got hit in the head for the second time. I glared at Zabuza, my eyes engulfed in fire. I ran forward to the edge of the goalie box and kicked the ball as hard as I could, sending it all the way to the other side of the field and into the opponents goal. Everyone's eyes widened and jaw dropped. I too was pretty surprised but my competitive nature wasn't foreign to me. "What the fuck was that!", Hidan exclaimed. You shrugged your shoulders and let out a quiet laugh, getting back into the game as the ball was taken back to half way. I watch as Pein took the ball and sprinted down to the opponents goal and attempted to score. Their goalie was a tall, lean guy wearing a mask. He was easily able to catch the ball and throw it back out to his team mates. I bit my lip every time they came into our half, trying to concentrate on the ball.

At one point my eye drifted to the sideline where Ino was trying to help Tobi stand up. I sigh quietly and seem to zone out for a second. But I am soon distracted by yelling. I look up and see Zabuza charging towards the goal. My eyes widen and I adjust my posture to best defend against his attack. Hidan and Kakuzu ran towards him in order to stop his attempts but weren't fast enough. He swung his leg back and kicked the ball with so much force I was struggling to see it. My eyes locked onto it in the last second. I dive to the left, getting hit by the ball directly in the stomach. My arms lock around the ball and I take a minute to regain my breath. I lay on my back with the ball in my arms. "Are you alright?', Sasori asks, offering me his hand. I nod and take his hand, letting him pull me off the ground. You let go and hold onto the goal post for a second as you slightly gag. "Are you sure you're alright?", Sasori asks again. I nod. "I will never give up on my pancakes", you whisper, hoping none of the others heard, unfortunately they did. Itachi chuckles and pokes your forehead. "Good going (Y/n), we've only got a couple of minutes left". I nod and straighten up, readying myself. Its my ball so I run forward to the edge of the goal box and throw the ball to Black Zetsu on the wing. He took the ball all the way up to the goal and passed to Pein who took a shot, aiming for the top right hand corner of the goal. The other teams goalie attempted to jump and catch the ball but missed, letting the ball get past him. The crowd cheered and clapped. Pein walked back with the others with a satisfied smile on his face.

A few minutes later the referee blew the whistle and the game was over, the final score being 3:0. The guys were all cheering and laughing while I just made my way over to Tobi, Rin and Ino. "How's he doing?", I ask. "He's a lot better, no serious damage and right now he's asleep", Ino says, looking over at the sleeping Tobi, his head in Rin's lap. I hum in response and look over to see the guys walk over to us. "You did awesome un!", Deidara exclaims. I giggle. "Thanks". "That goal was amazing, they must've really gotten you fired up. What triggered it?", Itachi asks. I sigh and look over at the other team. They looked really annoyed since they lost, not having scored any goals at all. "It was the guy who kicked the ball at Tobi's head, I figured out that he did it on purpose. He tried to do the same to me but I caught it before I got smacked in the face". Itachi sends you a small smile and pokes your forehead with two fingers. "You tired?", he asks. You nod and rest your head on his arm. "Lets fucking celebrate!", Hidan yells. We all shake our heads. "We're all tired, Hidan", Kakuzu says. Hidan glares at the older male and crosses his arms. "You may be tired but that's only because your an old man, they rest of us can celebrate if you want to get back in time for bingo", Hidan smirks. And from there Hidan and Kakuzu started to argue and then almost fight but the others held them back before any punches could get thrown. "We'll all celebrate tomorrow", Pein announces. We all agree. "Where should we go?", Kisame asks. Suddenly Tobi sits up. "Oh please come to Rin-chan and Tobi's house!", he begs. Pein sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Ok then tomorrow afternoon we will all meet at Tobi's house, if anyone doesn't show up they will be doing twice the training on Monday". We all nod and head back to our cars to leave.

"Did you have fun?", Ino asks. I nod. "I guess so, I haven't played goalie in a while so I was a little rusty". She tch's and rolls her eyes. "You aren't rusty at all, you blocked every single one of their shots and score a goal". I nervously laugh and rub the back of my neck. "Yeah I guess so...". I get into the back of Itachi's car, not having to sit in the middle this time. Tobi is going home with Rin. Ino and Itachi get into the front and Kisame gets in beside me. Once we start driving he sends me a small smile. "You did great today", he compliments. I can't help it but my face turns bright. "Uh thanks, you too". I look forward only to see Itachi smirking in the rear view mirror. I roll my eyes and stare out he window. I can see Kisame in its reflection and every so often he's stealing glances at me.

Well that's like twice the length of my usual chapters. This one was just just over 1800 words whereas my usual updates are just over 800 or under, depending on how lazy I am. Well hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll probably update it within the next 2 or 3 days, depending if that's what people want. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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