34. A chance

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Kisame carried you, even when you told him to put you down you still found yourself in his arms. He sat you down on the beach and took a seat beside you, letting out a long sigh. "I'm sorry", you whisper sadly. This was the third time that Kisame has had to save you. He meets your gaze with a sad smile. "I can't leave you anywhere, I can. You're always in trouble". You blush and look to the ground. "I'm not always in trouble". He chuckles and runs his fingers through his short dark blue hair. "You're in so much trouble you should consider hiring a body guard". You sigh and bite your lip, it was kind of true. 

"I don't get it", you say out loud. "Get what?". "Well, I've never been with anyone before and the only guys I seem to attract are... I dunno like Zabuza. They demand stuff and do what they want, I just can never find someone who likes me for me, y'know", you blurt out. Kisame watches you intently. "I don't think that". You turn your head and meet his gaze. "What do you mean?". He blushes and looks away. "Well sure there are guys who are rude and demanding who like you but you only see them because they are the only ones with the confidence, you're so pretty and nice and smart and... most other guys just don't feel like they're good enough for you, like you're in a whole other league". Your face turned bright red. "Do you really think that of me?", you whisper. You turn and meet his gaze. "Well yeah, who wouldn't? That's why Sasuke likes you, that's why Hidan asked you out, that's why Kimimaro, the guy in the store and Zabuza want you. You're amazing and they don't think that you'd like them back so they try and take you by force, it's the only way that they might be able to have you".

Your face harboured an expression of pure shock. Never before had you thought of yourself in that way. You didn't think you were very attractive at all and your nerdy otaku side made you think you were just that quiet geeky girl at the back of the class. Kisame noticed your expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-". "No its fine I just... I didn't know people thought that way about me. I mean my friends say stuff like that but that's just what girls do and I never really got compliments from guys unless they were perverted". You felt warmth on your hand and glanced over to see Kisame holding your hand, a smile on his face. "You don't deserve that". You blush and look away. "(Y/n), there's something I want to tell you". You meet his gaze notice the calm, happy look in his eyes. "I know it's only been two weeks but it feels like I've know you forever and I just wanted to say that...". He trails off, the happy glint in his eyes disappearing. "What is it?", you press, sitting on your knees so that your eyes are level with his. "I think I l-".

"(Y/n), Kisame!". You both turn your heads and see Ino and Itachi running over to you. The mood suddenly changed, you sat back down on your butt and Kisame pulled his hand away. "Where were you two? We were worried!", Ino exclaims, hugging you. Itachi helps Kisame up and pats him on the back. "What were you two even doing?", Itachi asks. You meet his gaze and give a smile. "We were just talking, kay. Nothing to worry about". Once you're up the Uchiha pokes your forehead and then gives you a quick hug. "Don't worry us like that". You let out a quiet giggle and look back over to Kisame who looks a little sad. You approach him and walk by his side on your way back to the beach house. 

"It's really beautiful tonight", you say looking up at the sky. The sun was setting, painting the sky a mixture of pink and orange. Kisame smiles up at the sky. "Yeah, it is". He seemed quieter, shyer even. You weren't too sure but you kept thinking about everything that he said earlier 'most other guys just don't feel like they're good enough for you'. Did people feel that way around you? As you thought about it your mind drifted to thoughts of Kisame. Did Kisame think about you in this way? Did he think he wasn't good enough for you? In your mind he was but you'd heard what others said about him, Ino didn't think he was attractive and even though Konan was supportive of your crush but she said she wouldn't look at him twice. To others Kisame may not be the ideal man but you liked him, no, you loved him. Before it was just the love a girl would have for their anime crush but this, this was real. You smiled lightly at your feet, maybe you and Kisame had a chance.

Once the four of you had returned to the beach house, Ino and Itachi entered first. Kisame went to enter but you caught his wrist. "Hey, uh wait". He turned around and met your gaze, a confused expression on his face. He doesn't say anything and neither do you, all you do is lean in. Your lips meet his cheek causing his blue cheeks to burn bright red. You averted your gaze and smile shyly at the ground. "Thank you Kisame, I know I've said it a million times already but I really mean it". You then walked up the few remaining stairs and entered the beach house, being greeted by all of the others. 

Kisame stood outside, his face still dark red. You had just kissed him and he was overjoyed. Never before did he think you would like him, let alone become his friend. He watched you disappear into the beach house, staring in that direction even after you were gone. It was the first time when the two of you had been together that he thought he had a chance.

Was supposed to update this yesterday but uh... I had no time. Actually I fell asleep really early after I played my second soccer/football game of the season. Wooohooo Idk what that was about... Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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