21. Unwanted phone calls

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"Dinner's ready!", I call. The players all come over and fill up their plates with food before sitting together at a large table located outside. "Wow this is amazing", Itachi compliments, sending you a wide smile. You roll your eyes and keep eating. "Yes I agree, (Y/n) was very talented in the kitchen", Rin adds with a giggles. I watch the two talk about my cooking prowess, barely even toughing my food. "Are you alright?", someone asks, knocking me from my thoughts. I turn my head and see Kisame giving me a concerned look. "O-oh yeah, I'm just not feeling that hungry", I mumble. He nods and sends me a reassuring smile. "You must've eaten enough pancakes to last you years, I'm not surprised if you aren't hungry", he chuckles. My face heats up slightly realizing he was there to witness my pancake rampage. Noticing my flustered state he gently pats my head. "Don't worry, I probably would've eaten the same if I weren't playing a game afterwards". You let out a quiet laugh and playfully shake your head. "You don't need to soften the blow, I know I ate too many pancakes". He sends me a smile which fades as we realize all attention at the table is on the two of us. "If you two are gonna make out could you do it somewhere else", Hidan scoffs. Kisame and I's faces turn bright red and we turn our faces away from each other to hide out prominent blushes.

Dinner went by quite fast and then we were all left to just hang around at Tobi and Rin's house for however long we wanted. I was currently sitting by the pool with my feet in the water, enjoying the refreshing feeling. Suddenly I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and held it to my ear, someone was calling.

(Y- You, I- Ino)

Y- Hello?
I- Hey where are you? I'm at your apartment
Y- Oh I'm at Rin and Tobi's
Y- We're celebrating our win
I- How come I wasn't invited?!
Y- It was just for the players
I- Well you aren't a player
Y- I know but I did play as their goalie... so yeah
I- Ugh I can't believe you didn't think to invite me
Y- You aren't my first priority, y'know
I- You could've at least considered me, did I even come to mind?
Y- Nope not for a second
I- *Scoff* Anyway I was wanting to hang out with you but since you aren't home I'll just have to find someone else
Y- Go hang out with Sakura
I- No, Sakura and I aren't speaking to each other at the moment
Y- Ok and why is that? You two aren't fighting over another patient, are you?
I- Ugh its not like that, he was mine first
Y- Well good luck with that, I'll see you at work tomorrow
I- You better bring me something to apologize
Y- I won't *giggle* see ya later

You then hung up and placed my phone beside me. You placed both your hands behind you and lent back on them. You giggled quietly to yourself as you thought about Ino and Sakura's arguments. They always fought over patients if they were cute guys, you never joined in. If a patient tried flirting with you you just pretended you didn't notice and act oblivious. You let out a long sigh, watching your reflection in the clear water.

Kisame's POV

After helping Rin do the dishes I headed back outside to see who was available to hang out with. Pein, Hidan and Kakuzu were already gone. Kakuzu and Hidan had gotten really drunk so Pein took them home before they could start any fights. I look over and see Itachi sitting next to Tobi. I walk over and take a seat beside them, they seem to be looking at something. I follow their line of sight and find myself looking at the back of (Y/n). She's sitting beside the pool, staring into the water. I stare at her, mesmerized. Suddenly I am knocked from my thoughts by Itachi. "You should go and talk to her", he says. My cheeks tint a light pink, I turn to him and give him a questioning look. He shrugs his shoulders. "You better make her fall in love with you quick or else someone else is gonna come by and take her". I nod and swallow hard before standing up and making my way over to the pool.

I take a seat next to (Y/n). My presence alerts her and she turns her head in my direction, tilting her head to the side like a confused puppy. I send her a soft smile and place my feet in the cool water. "You having a good night?", I ask her. She smiles happily down into the water and nods. "Yeah, I don't think I've had this much fun since high school, since I began studying I never really had much fun". I nod back at her and kick my leg slightly, accidentally splashing her. She gasps as she is hit by the water. "Ah why did you do that?!", she laughs, scooping up some water in her hand and splashing me. I hold up my hands to protect myself but end up getting wet anyway. I kick more water at her, laughing as she covered her face. She reaches down to scoop up more water but loses balance and falls face first into the pool. I let out a loud laugh as I watch her resurface, an irritated expression on her face. Suddenly she grabs my ankle and pulls in with her. I fall into the pool and break the surface to see her laughing her ass off. She's holding her stomach in pain as she laughs at me. I roll my eyes and turn my head as I hear yelling. Tobi and Rin run over with towels in their arms. "Are you two Ok?", they ask. I nod and so does (Y/n). We climb out of the pool, shivering due to our wet clothes. Rin hands (Y/n) a towel and Tobi gives one to me.

The two of us head indoors to where the fire is in the living room to warm up. But just before I can get inside Itachi stops me. He holds out my phone which is buzzing madly, someones calling me. I take the phone from him and send him a grateful nod before walking away to find a private place to answer.

K- Kisame ???- Mystery person

K- Hello?
???- Oh hey Kisame, it has been a long time since we last spoke
K- Uh who is this?
???- Oh Kisa don't act so silly *giggle*, you know who I am
K- M-Mei
I can't believe that Mei just called me. The last time we talked was when she went off with Zabuza, I wonder why she even called me...
M- Yup, that's me
K- Why are you calling me?
M- I saw your game yesterday and I wanted to say congratulations, you did very well
K- Uh yeah thanks, it was a team effort
M- But that girl took all the credit, what a bitch
K- What girl?
M- The one with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes
K- Oh, (Y/n)
M- Yeah her
K- Well was that all you wanted to say?
M- Mmm not exactly
K- Ok then, what else?
M- I'm actually feeling quite lonely right now, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over~
I glare at the floor as I walk around the house. My gaze coincidentally goes though the window where I can see (Y/n) sitting alone by the fire, she's hugging her towel tightly around herself. Being with someone like Mei gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, I would never do something like that... especially now... especially when I have someone like (Y/n).

K- I'm sorry Mei but no, I'm going to have to decline
M- What?! Why?! You're a virgin aren't you? I was willing to give myself to you
K- I don't care about that
M- You used to like me... no you used to love me. What happened to that guy? The Kisa I know?!
I take a deep breath and let out a long sigh.
K- He fell in love with someone else

I hung up the phone after that, I couldn't believe she would even try something like that. She's the type of person I hate, attention seekers, whores, those who seduce others in order to hurt them later. I grit my teeth as I walk back into the house. "Hey, are you alright? You look a little tense". I look down to see (Y/n) looking up at me. I relax and nod my head. Her face lightens up and she grabs my hand, pulling me towards the fireplace. "Your clothes are still wet, sit with me and warm up". I look down at our connected hands, my cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. She realizes and quickly pulls her hand away. "I-I'm sorry", she stutters. I chuckle and send her another smile. "It's fine". My heart speed up just seeing the flustered expression on her face, why would I ever visit I woman I don't like at all if I can at least be close to the one I love. And that's right, I admit it. This girl... I think I'm in love her.

Here is the next chapter, ready here for you. It was just over 1500 words, a little longer than usual. I probably would've updated yesterday but I was quite busy with school work. I did start two chapters for two of my other books though... I've gotta finish those now. Hope you're happy with this chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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