Chapter 11

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!! Here's two chapters to show my sorryness (is that a word?😂)

   Two metal creatures entered the room, their fluid movements unnatural. Butler hit one over the head with the only piece of furniture in the room - a metal chair. It's head sparked slightly and then twisted its head all the way around and began moving forward again.
    "It's going for Trinity!" Holly cried, throwing herself in front of the girl. Vinyaya and Butler joined Holly as they formed a triangle around the girl. Butler grabbed Artemis and threw him inbetween them as well. Artemis cursed at himself for not being able to do anything in this situation. His athletic abilities were still little to none.
     Unless... could he help? These were not people they were fighting, they were robots. Clone Opal had only dispatched two, which meant that their fighting skills were sufficient for the three seasoned fighters. In fact, Artemis noticed, that no blow they struck couldn't be fixed by a quick jerking of the head. Nothing seemed to damage them.
    The only way to defeat them, Artemis concluded, was to rewrite their programming.
    Which was something that he and Foaly could do together. Quickly muttering his plan to Butler and Holly (Vinyaya was highly unreceptive to his genius) he snatched the holoscreen in which Foaly was watching the fight with part interest and part terror.
"Got him, Arty," Holly called triumphantly. They could discuss the use of his nickname later. Holly had the robot pinned to the floor, back of his head way open. Butler hit his head with precision, and a panel sprung open.
He showed Foaly the code. Since the centaur had seen Opal's programming before, he knew the basic security - and how to destroy it. It was almost too easy. Once completed, the two robots lay motionless on the floor.
They had more time, but Artemis wasn't sure that anything could get them out of this maze.

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