This is it, this is the day you've been waiting for―Halloween. You're costume was perfect! It took you the whole year to make it.
You were a plague a doctor with a black robe tied with an old piece of rope with black leather gloves to look authentic and a big black cloak and just to top it off. You made sure that all skin was covered and your hair so it made it difficult for people to know who you are unless you spoke, so you managed to make a voice changer in your mask so your voice sounded scratchy and a bit deep.
You did however change a few things about your costume which made it historically incorrect but you didn't mind at all because it just made your costume look a thousand times scarier. You had made a functioning scythe real blade and all. You were actually quite fascinated with making weapons so you decided to get real blacksmith lessons. You have been taking lessons for almost five years and have become quite skilled at it.
Halloween was fun with friends, but it was a blast terrorizing victimized trick-or-treaters. Although it is fun scaring other people, you were having trouble scaring all the crowded neighborhoods so it was harder to scare groups of people. Apparently, lots of other people like you were having the same problem. So all those people started bringing up old legends that made everyone want to go to the one place you're not supposed to go to on Halloween―Mt. Ebott.
There are a few legends that originate from Mt. Ebott like the one about an entire civilization of monsters living under the mountain, but everybody knows that one is a fake. The most scariest one is about 'The fallen angel'. It's about an angel that was cast out of heaven and sent to 'Hell' which would be Mt. Ebott. The legend says that it comes out at night and finds 'unholy' people and eats them.
And i'm going to go up that mountain and give some people a night they won't forget!

(Underfell sans x reader (female)) UNDERCOVER
FanfictionYou're a human that has fallen into Mt. Ebott on the year where all humans dress as monsters...Halloween. So how will the monsters know if you're a human or not?