Cold feet with Regret

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         The blizzard was worse than I thought. There was basically nothing in front of me after walking probably in a circle for about an hour. I open my suitcase I take out my poor excuse as a tent by taking two of my robes and tying them to a tree too keep the wind and snow out of my googles. The lenses started to fog up from my breath but I risk blowing my cover yet, I just need to wait out the worst of the storm.


         The storm had finally calmed down and slowly went away. I look through my tent to see almost three feet of fresh snow!?! This was going to make the trip to Snowdin a lot longer and harder. I take my robes and in put them back into my suitcase. look around to see where you are but have no clue. The map is currently useless until I can find familiar landmarks that Toriel drew out. I look at the map one last time before I have to start playing the guessing game on which direction to go.

         I remember the blizzard blowing towards me which means half of all the tree's trunks are covered in snow so I have to face the side of the trees that have no snow on that side. You were quite pleased with your survival skills and start to tread through the snow that's right below your knee caps.


         This is ridiculous, How far can Snowdin really be!? I look a the map to see how much was left...let's see... went over that weird bridge that had what i'm assuming were supposed to be bars...walked passed three look-out station things that are look out post...ran into an old ice puzzle and frozen lake...puzzles...more puzzles...

         So far there have been endless amounts of puzzles everywhere but none of them seem to be working. Is Snowdin a ghost town? The snow absorbed all sound but the sound of my boots crunching through the snow, i'm glad that I wore a lot of layers for this because I know I wouldn't have lasted 30 minutes out hear. I check the map to see where I am and froze.

         There were giant lumps of snow everywhere of what most likely used to be snowdogs?  There was another look-out station but it was empty as well other than some dog treats. I got a bit nervous that the monster dust had blown off of me so I dump the rest on me making the snow a bit gray of where the rest of the dust fell. Now I hope I run into a monster so I can get more dust.


         I finally made it to a long creaky bridge that lead to a run down sign that said Snowdin. I cross the bridge as carefully as possible while trying not to look down. I made it to the other side of the bridge and let my victory sink in of reaching to Snowdin at last. I spot two old buildings next to each other that say shop and inn. Thank god a place to rest! I walk in and the place is a wreck. Half of the lobby's wood was rotting and the carpet was stained in multiple areas. I get to the front desk and see and rugged looking bunny monster and a smaller one next to her giving me the stink eye.

"What, ever seen an outsider before?" I say clearly annoyed that I'm already getting funny looks.

"No they haven't, sir. How long are you planning on staying?" The older monster shrieks.

"How much for one night?" I gulp.

"About 15-20G."

Well I better go find a cozy trash can to sleep in because I've got no money.

"I don't have any money." I mumble as I pick up my suitcase and turn for the exit.

         As I was leaving, I saw the lady's face twist in anger and started shouting that I shouldn't see my around in her inn unless I got money next time. I slam the door behind me passive aggressively and noticed some stares from the other monsters.

"Why don't you all mind your own god damn business you fuckers!" I shout angrily.

         They all look away and go back to their business as if nothing ever happened. Man, these monsters are tough, and i'm giving it all I got! 


         You walk around long enough to smell something you haven't smelled in at least a month―burgers and fries. The scent was already mouth watering, it was absolutely heaven compared to Toriel's cooking (sorry Toriel!). You glance through the window and noticed it looked very crowded in one corner. There were a bunch of big dogs in armor crowding around a red headed fish lady wearing shiny armor and a tall looking skeleton wearing to what you assume is armor as well. The two were arm wrestling and and the skeleton looked like it was winning. You hear him shout loud enough that you can hear through the window.


"HA! You wish you bag of dust!" The fish lady laughs.

         She regains her strength and starts pushing back as the crowd of dogs start barking and howling for Undyne. You hear a loud banging noise as you watch the tall skeleton's arm suddenly pinned to the table. You hear her laugh at the tall skeleton as he starts mumbling about only letting her win.

         You remember Toriel telling you about Undyne. She was the head of the royal guard and she was the last monster you wanted to fight since all they do is hunt for humans.

         You noticed that you've been staring through the window for too long and started getting glances from the people inside. You didn't want to make a scene so you calmly and as casually as possible push the door open and immediately felt every single eye on you. Suddenly the mouth watering smell of burgers and fries was no longer satisfying to you anymore.

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