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~Yoongi POV~

I was on the couch, watching cartoons and hugging a stuffed bear, when I heard the front door click. I shot up and changed the channel before turning the TV off. I ran to my secret room and tossed the bear onto a bean bag chair and closed the door, locking it.

Namjoon didn't know I was a little. No one did really, except for Jimin but he didn't really mind. I walked back to the door where Namjoon was hanging his coat up. I leaned against the wall, no longer little Min, "Are you hungry I was about to make dinner." Namjoon looked up at me once finished.

"Don't you have to help grade papers?" I rolled my eyes, he noticed and chuckled. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I had raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer, "Don't worry about making dinner. I'll do it." I snorted and tried covering it with a laugh.

"If you think you're cooking think again." He made a pouty face and tried to kiss me, only to be stopped by my hand. I slipped out of his grasp and walked away, "Relax, I'll bring you a drink and start cooking something."

"Do I not get a welcome home kiss?" I turned back to him. A smirk was visible on his lips. I turned and headed to the kitchen.

"You'll get a kiss later."


I entered the home I shared with my boyfriend. He was supposed to be home in a few hours so I had some time to slip into little space. I probably was just gonna take a nap however. I was tired after helping middle schoolers with their homework when the actual teacher was busy. I walked out into the living room and saw Namjoon sitting on the couch. I took my shoes off and was slightly confused. I shrugged my shoulders and walked over, placing a knee on either side on his legs and sat on his lap. I rarely did this and each time it surprised Namjoon. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Tired?" I nodded slightly and closed my eyes, cuddling up to him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, "I'll order something that way you don't have to cook." I felt him starting to reach for his phone.

"Thanks daddy.." He froze and coughed. I hadn't realized I slipped into little space.

"Yoongi, wh-what did you just call me?" Once I processed what I said I sat straight up, eyes wide. My face felt warm and Namjoon had a curious look in his eyes.

"N-nothing! Don't worry about it. Just order the damn food." I hid my face back in his neck. He pushed me back into a sitting position.

"I believe you called me daddy?" A smirk started to form on his lips. I sighed and leaned down, connecting our lips. My hands on his shoulders, his on my waist. I pulled away after a few seconds.

"Will you drop it now?" My face felt hot instead of warm. It was probably as red as a tomato. His smirk was still there as he shook his head.

"Now that I know you have a daddy ki-" I hit him in the head with a nearby pillow.

"I don't have a daddy kink idiot. Order the food i'm hungry and not cooking tonight." He chuckled and reached for the phone, grabbing it and dialing a number.

Once we were finished eating I walked to the kitchen while Namjoon went to bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Jimin. It rang for a few seconds then someone picked up.

"Hello?" This was not Jimin's voice. Without hanging up I checked the number. It WAS the correct number. Putting the phone back to my ear I heard another, "Hello?"

"Who is this?" I had an arm across my stomach as I leaned against the kitchen counter. Who the hell would have his phone, he doesn't let anyone touch it.

"Min Yoongi. Wheres Park Jimin?" I heard a slight chuckle. It just confused me anymore and I really didn't want to deal with any problems right now.

"Don't you recognize my voice. Taehyung?" I rolled my eyes. He sounds different on the phone, "Anyways you can't talk to Jimin right now. He's... busy... doing something.."

"Taehyung i'm not dealing with this right now, give Jimin the phone." I heard a voice in the background. No doubt it was Jimin.

"Taehyung give him the phone. I know he's there I heard him." I heard Taehyung and Jimin whispering to each other. Eventually a few muffled sounds later Jimin spoke up.

"Hyung what is it? I'm busy with something." I rolled my eyes. More like busy with someone.

"Jimin I messed up." I sighed resting my forehead on my hand, legs getting tired of standing.

"How? What did you do?" He sounded slightly concerned, "Yoongi is it about you and Namjoon? What happened between you two?" Oh boy...

"I- I um let a certain word fall out of my mouth." 

"What was the word?" I mumbled slightly and heard Taehyung asking what was going on.

"I may have accidentally, god, I accidentally called Namjoon daddy..." I mumbled the last word. Embarrassed, I didn't want to say it aloud again.

"I didn't hear the last part. Repeat it, what did you call him?" I rubbed my eyes, exhaustion taking over.

"Daddy." I said it clear enough for him to understand it. I heard him trying not to laugh, "Yah! Shut up! He thinks I have a daddy kink now. Stop laughing!"

"That's it? It's not that bad." He chuckled slightly through his words.

"Yeah comparing to what you call Taehyung it's not." Without even seeing him or a sound coming out of his mouth I knew his face was red.

"Shut up! Anyways have I have to go finish what i'm doing." I tried not to chuckle. They were terrible at covering up their actual situation.

"Mk. You finish Taehyung. I'm going to bed." Jimin made a annoyed noise, followed by a light groan from Taehyung, "Park Jimin you are on the phone."

"Shut up! He's just getting annoyed." I rolled my eyes. More like he was getting impatient. Jimin said his goodbye and I hung up. I placed my phone on the counter and walked to the room. I hadn't realized it was almost 2 in the morning until I looked at the clock on Namjoons side. I was changed into pajamas and climbed in the bed, trying to not wake him. Before falling asleep I felt an arm wrap around my waist and him mumble something.

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