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A/N: This is during spring break!

~Yoongi POV~

I woke up. I was about to get up to check the time but an arm stopped me. I looked over to see Namjoon fast asleep, holding my waist. I leaned up a little more to see what time it was, looking at the clock that was on his side of the bed.

11:36 am.

Shit. I'm late, I'm supposed to be in a class right now. I got up, trying not to wake up Joonie. I walked over to the closet and heard a groan, "Baby what are you doing?" I looked back at Namjoon.

"Work. School. My job. Look at the time." Namjoon looked at the time but chuckled. I rolled my eyes and went back to looking through the closet. I heard the bed creak slightly and the blankets being moved. I was about to pull out a shirt but a hand was placed on mine and another around my waist, holding me close. I felt Namjoon start to kiss my neck. I tried to push him away but it didn't work, "Namjoon not now."

"Baby do you know what time of the week it is?" I rolled my eyes. I'm a student teacher of course I knew. I nodded and tried again to push him away. I noticed his hand pull mine off the hanger. He spun me around and held me close to him by my waist. He was only in sleep pants, "It's spring break. You don't have work. Thought teachers kept track of this stuff like their students." I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I stood up on my toes and pecked his nose, "You need heels." My eyes squinted and my mouth was wide.

"Only in your dreams. More like you need to shrink." He chuckled, "Now let me go and I'll make breakfast." His smirk came back as he lifted me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, "Really? This isn't letting me go."

"Trust me, whatever breakfast you prepare for me won't satisfy me." I was about to smack him on the head, thinking he was insulting my cooking, only to feel him starting to kiss and bite my neck. So this is what he was hungry for. I rolled my eyes and went along with it, letting small moans out every now and then. I tugged his hair.

"N-Namjoon... please.." He growled lightly and dropped me down onto the bed.

"What do you want baby?" He hovered over me, his hand sliding up my shirt. I place my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

"I want to get up to make actual food. I'm hungry for food not dick." He let himself fall off to the side. I smiled slightly and got up, heading out the room and to the kitchen. I got out what I needed to make french toast, "Make us coffee and stop trying to be sneaky." I heard a groan as he got out two cups.

"You're no fun. You never let me scare you." I was to focused on not burning the food to look back at him.

"Well, you always make some sort of noise where ever you go."

"You should go out in the living room and let daddy cook." I scoffed.

"And let daddy burn down the house? Hell no."

"Don't say that word baby."

"Or else what daddy? " I knew he was gonna say something so I continued, "I'm not in little space so don't even try. Sigh in defeat all you want. Don't break the cups by the way."


Namjoon had left for work a while ago. Damn. It had hit me how lonely I could feel when I'm by myself. I turned on a kids network and let myself slip into little Yoongi. I had nothing to do so I wasn't really worried.


Namjoon POV

I walked in and heard giggles and a show that sounded like a child show. I heard Yoongi yelling and laughing, "H-Hoseok! S-stop! I can't anymore please!" Yep cause that' nice to hear from your boyfriend! I quickly walked into the living room to find Yoongi on the floor being tickled non stop by a grinning Jung Hoseok. Hoseok noticed me and smiled.

"Hey Namjoon! Didn't know you had a little!" Yoongi was squirming as he was being tickled.

I chuckled at the scene, "Dammit Hoseok, of course you would tickle him.." I spoke in English. Hoseok looked at me with a confused look upon hearing his name but shrugged his shoulders, continuing what he was doing. I walked over and grabbed Hoseok by the shoulder, "Let him breath or he'll pass out." Hoseok stopped and Yoongi immediately jumped up and ran behind me.

"Daddy! Keep me safe from the tickle monster!" He pointed at Hoseok who laughed. I raised my eyebrow at Hoseok.

"Yeah, I kind of told him I'm the tickle monster.." I gave him a 'really?' type of look, "I got to go anyways. Taehyung needs help with his little."

"Who's Taehyungs little?"

"Jungkook." I nodded as he left. Yoongi was sitting at the table colouring. There were coloured pencils and crayons and markers all around him. I sat by him and leaned down to see what he was drawing.

"Whatcha drawing baby?" Yoongi dropped the crayon and held the picture close to his chest.

"Daddy can't see! It a surprise!" He looked at me sternly and kept the picture close to him as if his life depended on it. I kissed his cheek and stood up. I placed my hand on his head.

"Show daddy when you're done then and I'll put it on the fridge." His eyes lit up and he nodded. I left the room and he started to work on his picture again. I walked to our bedroom and changed into something more comfortable then laid on the bed, getting on my phone.

A few minutes later Yoongi came in, paper in hand, he climbed onto the bed and sat on his knees, "I'm done daddy!" He held out the paper for me to see. I'll admit, it looked like a five year old drew it. I wasn't gonna say it was bad though. I couldn't bear to see Yoongi upset.

"It's beautiful baby." I noticed he had his name in the corner. Cute. I smiled at him and got up. I took the drawing and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a magnet, and putting it on the fridge. I looked at Yoongi who was holding my hand. He looked tired, "Did you skip your nap?" He shook his head, "Baby don't lie to me. Daddy doesn't like it when you don't tell the truth." He looked down shamefully.

"I wanted to wait for daddy to come home.." I felt so lucky he was so cute. I held his hand in mine.

"Come on. You're taking a nap." Yoongi shook his head as I started walking to the bedroom. He stayed in place.

"No! No nap!"

"Baby come on. You look ready to pass out any second." He stomped his foot and shook his head more. He pulled his hand away and sat down, crossing his legs on the floor.

"Don't wanna!"

"Baby please listen to daddy." He shook his head harder.

"I don't want nap! Not tired!" This was the first tantrum he's thrown with me. I noticed his eyes getting wet. I swear this boy can be an angel once second then become a demon the next.

"Baby pl-"

"No! No! No! I don't wanna take nap! Go to hell!" My eyes widened along with his. He started to cry his eyes out. I walked over to him and crouched down onto one knee, "I-I'm s-sorry daddy.." He held his fists to his eyes. He repeated those words and it broke my heart to see him look scared and crying.

"One, you're taking a nap. Two, you know better than to say that. Next bad word out of you're mouth and you'll go in time out." He nodded viciously. I stood up, helping him up as well and picked him up. His legs wrapped around my waist and I walked to our bedroom. I set him on the bed, pulling the covers up on him and lying down next to him until he fell asleep.

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