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Yoongi sat on the sofa, face in his hands, "He didn't recognize me. You guys told me he was dead.." Yoongi looked at the three, the littles not in their space. Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"Jackson-hyung told us he was!" Taehyung looked at the yelling male. Jungkook was too freaked out over what happened and left the room.

"Well who told Jackson?" Yoongi yelled back at the younger.

"Jinyoung-hyung! We've told you this Yoongi!" Yoongi glared at Jimin.

"Don't speak informally to me again. In fact I dare you to." Taehyung clapped his hands.

"Both of you can stop yelling. It won't solve anything. I'll be right back and I expect both of you to be alive. Meaning to blood and you're breathing." Taehyung looked at both before leaving his home. Jimin screamed in frustration and left to his room. Yoongi groaned and pressed his hands into his eyes. He felt someone hugging him from the side. He was about to push said person off but they spoke up.

"Hyung. Namjoon remembered Taehyung-hyung and texted him. Do you want to see it?"

"Did Taehyung really leave his phone?" Jungkook placed Tae's phone on Yoongi's lap.

"I won't tell Taehyung you went through his and Namjoon-hyungs messages." Yoongi looked at the younger who held him by the waist. He picked up the phone and read the message Namjoon had sent.

Hyung: Taehyung? Can you explain some things for me?

Taehyung: What do you need explained?

Hyung: A few things actually. You got time?

Yoongi sighed as he continued playing as Taehyung.

Taehyung: Plenty.

Hyung: Could you explain to me who Yoongi is? He looked hurt when I said I didn't know him..

Taehyung: Well.. You and him were actually a couple. Both of you were inseparable. The only time you weren't together was when one of you had work. He's your hyung but he doesn't care if you use hyung or not. Yoongi was your little boy. He has pictures in his home and on his phone of both of you. If you want I could ask him to send me some pics and send them to you. You even proposed to him. Yeah he rejected but he was just scared. He thought that if he accepted then the relationship would go downhill and both of you would fight more. You two were so in love.. You dated for almost 4 years now.

Hyung: Send pics. Please Taehyung. I feel terrible for forgetting him.. I'll even break off the relationship with Jin.

Yoongi smiled and took out his phone, sending pics to Taehyungs phone, saving them and sending them to Namjoon.

Taehyung: {Picture Attachment}

Taehyung: {Picture Attachment}

Taehyung: {Picture Attachment}

Taehyung: {Picture Attachment}

(Quick A/N: The pics are at the end^^)

He watched as it said the pics were opened.

Hyung: Shit.. What was his address again?

Taehyung: Do you remember my address? He's here with Jimin, Jungkook, and I.

Hyung: Send it.

Yoongi sent Taehyungs address.

A/N: I'm not evil enough to have a bad end to this story because that'd kill me. Here are the pics that Yoongi sent Joonie!

 Here are the pics that Yoongi sent Joonie!

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(I couldn't find a better quality pic and idk and idc if that's edited cause it's cute af)

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(I couldn't find a better quality pic and idk and idc if that's edited cause it's cute af)

(I couldn't find a better quality pic and idk and idc if that's edited cause it's cute af)

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(I wasn't even here since the beginning and that pic makes me feel old af-)

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(I wasn't even here since the beginning and that pic makes me feel old af-)

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