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~Namjoon POV~

I called off work today. I knew Yoongi's secret, I saw the room. I've worked with little's before but never have I been with one. I was waiting for him to come home. I wanted to confirm it so I had a kid show playing, 2 stuffed animals, and a colouring book out along with crayons.


~Yoongi POV~

I walked inside the apartment and removed my shoes. It wasn't that cold out so I didn't have a coat. I heard the tv and thought instantly, Namjoon called off work. I walked in the living room and saw some things from my little room out. I became pale, knowing that I didn't do this. I hadn't brought this out and even if I did I would've put them back, "What the fu-"

"Hello Yoongi." I turned to my left and saw a smirking Namjoon, leaning against a wall, "I found out your secret."

"What secret?" I tried to sound confused but don't think it worked.

"Your a little Yoongi. Its cute. Ya know you can go into little space if you want-" I was tempted to slip into little space, but I had things to do. I cut him off,

"No." He actually looked surprised, "I don't know where or why you have this stuff but put it away or get rid of it. I have things to do and I can't do them with this stuff in the way." He looked slightly surprised but that look didn't last long. He walked up to me.

"Yoongi, I saw your room. The one you always keep locked." I parted my lips to speak but he put a finger to them, shushing me, "No way to get out of this Yoongi." I pouted slightly, folding my arms and resting my weight on my left foot.

"I'll be in the kitchen." I turned but he grabbed me. I shook my arm slightly, signaling to let me go. Of course, however, that wasn't happening.

"Yoongi, I know how stressed you've been. Please go into little space, I've worked with little's before and I know that it would help ease you." I tried to shake my arm away, a little harder this time. I really didn't want to talk about this right now.

"Namjoon, let me go. I have work to do. Speaking of work, why aren't you there?" I was starting to get slightly agitated. I wanted to get my work done. That's it, I hate being forced into things. Especially little space. It's embarrassing. 

"I called off to do this." I sighed and felt his grip loosen. He didn't seem to notice and I pried my hand away. I walked to the kitchen and pulled out a laptop. Doing work for both my school and the middle school. Namjoon soon walked in and placed a small, light blue koala stuffie next to my computer. 'Really, you're this desperate?' I thought as my fingers tapped the keys. Every so often I would find that my fingers would stop moving and I would be eyeing the koala. I sighed and leaned back, rubbing my forehead and grabbing the koala. I smiled slightly and stood up. Namjoon was in the living room watching some comedy show. I peeked out before going to my little room.

I decided to put on an animal onesie. I held the koala to my chest and walked out into the living room. Namjoon was on the couch and didn't seem to notice me. I walked over to him and sat next to him, cuddling into his side. He placed an arm around my shoulder, still not looking at me. I poked his leg, wanting him to see me but also not. He hummed in response. 'Can't believe i'm doing this..'

"Daddy i'm hungry." He looked down when he heard the word daddy. His eyes grew slightly and he went to say something.

"Yoongi..." He hugged me tightly, "You look so cute!!" I was slightly confused. He's never really acted like this around me much.

~No POV~

"Daddy! You're gonna kill me!" Yoongi giggled, finally in little space. A smile spread across his face. Namjoon let him go from his somewhat tight grasp. He chuckled slightly.

"Sorry, couldn't help it. Anyways, what you'd say before?" Yoongi sat, crossing his legs on the couch. He held the koala plush close to his chest.

"Koya and I are hungry." Namjoon looked slightly confused. He nodded anyway, a smile not leaving his lips.

"Ok, who's Koya and what do you want to eat?" Yoongi's eyes grew big, realizing he never introduced the plush. He quickly held out the koala.

"This is Koya!" Namjoon chuckled. He found this to cute. Yoongi, being how he is, would never act like this. At least that's what Namjoon thought.

"And what do you and Koya want?" Yoongi quickly pulled Koya back to his chest, adjusting his legs so he wouldn't slide off the couch. Namjoon took note and grabbed Yoongi by his sides, placing the shorter male on his lap.


It was a few hours later. Yoongi was no longer in little space. Then again he wasn't conscious. He had fallen asleep with Namjoons arm around him. It was 11:43 pm. The tv was on, the volume was mute. Namjoon looked down at Yoongi then at the time. Little Yoongi sure does fall asleep faster. He thought to himself. He got up carefully, not to wake the smaller male. He turned the tv off finally and lifted Yoongi, bridal style. He walked to their shared room and set Yoongi down, putting the blanket on him. He walked back out into the living room, turning the lamp off. He noticed the dining table in the kitchen was slightly crowded with Yoongi's things. He walked over, organizing the papers. He clips them together and put them in Yoongi's bag along with Yoongi's laptop. He set the bag on the table then went back to their shared room. He changed into pajamas and climbed in the bed.

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