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A/N: I'm feeling better enough to write this chapter so yay. Also don't expect this story to be all happy either cause I have an idea.

"Yoongi, I'm home with food." Namjoon placed the car keys in a small dish then walked into the living room, "Where-" He looked over at the couch to see Yoongi laying down with Mark on his chest, both asleep. Namjoon smiled at the cute sight and walked into the kitchen. He placed the two bags down and got to work on food.

~30 minutes later~

"Yoongi-Hyung. Wake up." The child shook Yoongi, "Come on wake up." Footsteps were heard.

"Mark, let him sleep." Yoongi opened an eye, "You need to finish your dinner."

"But you guys need to eat too."

"We will. Don't worry about us. Now go finish eating." Mark left back to the kitchen to finish his noodles. Namjoon was about to follow but Yoongi had grabbed his hand.

"Daddy... Stay with me." Namjoon looked down at the little. Yoongi had sat up and rubbed his eyes, crossing his legs on the cushions. Namjoon sat down and the smaller male immediately cuddled up to his care taker. They stayed like that for a while until Mark came out. Namjoon managed to get Yoongi off him without trouble then helped the actual child get ready for bed and taking him to their guest room. It was more like a child's room because of how small it was though. Namjoon came back out to see Yoongi hugging a pillow, "Daddy I thirsty."

"Come on baby and show daddy what you want." Yoongi made grabby hands at Namjoon and the taller male took both. Yoongi gripped onto Namjoons arm, still slightly tired, as they headed to the kitchen. Yoongi opened the fridge and looked through while Namjoon held the door open. The little pulled out a silver and blue metal can.

"Dis. I wan dis."

"Baby only big boys can drink that stuff."

"Buh I am a big boy." Namjoon chuckled, taking the budlight from Yoongi and setting it back in the fridge.

He held onto Yoongi.

"But if you're a big boy you have responsibilities and the drink you want can't hurt your head." Yoongi poured slightly, his lower lip jutting out. He crossed his arms and sat on the floor.

"Namjoon. Lemme have the budlight." Namjoon raised a brow at the little and crouched to his height.

"Oh so you're a big boy now?" Yoongi nodded quickly.

"Now lemme drink." Namjoon pecked Yoongi's forehead and stood up.

"Nice try baby. Choose an appropriate drink." Yoongi turned around on his butt and looked through the fridge. He pointed to a pitcher of juice.

"Dis." Namjoon took the pitcher out and got the little some juice.


"Thanks again for watching Mark. Hope he wasn't too much trouble." Jinyoung smiled as Mark held his hand.

"He's a good child. No trouble watching over him."

"Say bye Mark." Jinyoung looked down at his son.

"Bye Namjoon-hyung! Tell Yoongi-hyung I said bye." Namjoon smiled at Mark and nodded. Jinyoung leaned forward slightly, whispering.

"Remeber how Jackson and I were talking about getting Mark a brother?"


"He's from Thailand. He's only around 4 though."

"Have fun teaching a 4 year old Korean. Is he at the house?" Jinyoung nodded as he stood up straight.

"I'm hoping Mark and him get along. Mark could help with the English possibly." Mark looked up at Jinyoung confused and curious.

"Trust me. I bet their gonna get along. Mark may be shy at first." Jinyoung chuckled.

"Thanks again by the way. Bye Namjoon." Namjoon said goodbye and closed the door. Yoongi walked in, still in his onesie.

"Daddy who was that?" Yoongi rubbed his eyes with his fists before clinging onto Namjoons arm.

"It was Jinyoung. He was picking up Mark." Yoongi hummed, "Baby do you know the time?" Yoongi shook his head gently, "It's 8:37 am."

"Lets go back to sleep then."

"It's Monday."


"School day." Yoongi groaned.

"Can I call in sick?"

"Nope." Yoongi groaned louder this time. He let go of Namjoon and started walking back to their room, "Not in a rush?"

"My first class starts at 9:48 am. Not that worried."

~9:44 am~

Yoongi had finished planning what he was gonna do for class when the bell rang. He got up from his desk and went up to the board, writing down the homework problems. The bell rang again when he finished. He sat down at his desk, calling students to check if their homework was done then sending them to do the problems.

In the middle of class a girl raised her hand, "Yes Ms.Lee?"

"Is it true your married?" Yoongi held his hands up.

"Do you see any rings on my fingers?"

"So your single?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the 7th grader.

"See me after class."

Once the period was over she walked to his desk, "Alright who put you up to this?"

"Cousin." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Of course he did." She snickered, "He still likes Namjoon huh?"


"Alright your free to go. If tour next teacher has a problem tell the to call me." She nodded and grabbed her things, walking out to her next class. Yoongi noticed all the students of hos next class were present and got up to repeat what he taught last hour.

Little Min, Daddy Kim.Where stories live. Discover now