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Yoongi walked into the kitchen the next morning. He noticed the drawing on the fridge. 'Oh my god..' He mentally face palmed as he stared at it. He remembered what happened yesterday, "Of course little me has to throw a fit." He mumbled to himself. He made himself some coffee. Once he finished drinking it he went back to the bedroom and changed into casual clothes. Namjoon was at work and Yoongi had nothing to do. He walked out of the apartment and left the building. 

He walked into the dance studio, immediately noticing Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. Jungkook was chatting away with some kids along with Hoseok while they waited for their parents. Jimin was busy on a laptop. Yoongi walked over to Jimin and had a smirk on his face, "Ya know, if you're trying out makeup on a hickey have someone experienced do it." Jimin looked at Yoongi and covered the mark that was on the lower part of his neck.

"I don't have makeup on it. I thought the sweatshirt would hide it." Jimins face was red, "Anyways why're you here? Shouldn't you and Namjoon being doing things?" Jimin was flicked on the back of his head.

"Hyung that's not your business. Leave Yoongi-hyung alone and don't worry about his sex life." Jimin almost laughed, "Look who talking baby boy." Jungkook slapped Jimin on the arm.

"Oh, now I understand why i've seen Taehyung kiss both of you out in public." Jungkook left to go back to the last child who was waiting, "Do their parents normally come this late? How long has dance practice been over?"

"Around 20 minutes. And yeah, their parents can't get them due to work and so her older sisters does but she works."

"How do you know this?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow concerned.

"I've met them before. Lower that eyebrow i'm not creepy. Their dad is Jin-hyung.

"How old is the oldest?"

"15 or 16. The youngest older sister is around 12 or 13. You may know her. Kim Jaehee?"

"Y-" The door opened.

"Sorry we're late Suzy! The weather was terrible and traffic is aswell." Yoongi turned to see two girls walk in, one was a student of his. The little girl who was supposedly Suzy ran up to the oldest. Yoongi smiled as his student waved at him. He waved back.

"Yoongi-hyung." He turned around to Jimin, "Do you want kids in the future?"

"I wouldn't mind having children. But I'm a little and I'm not sure how Namjoon would feel. Besides Namjoon shouldn't have to take care of me and the kids. It should be both parents taking care of the child not one."

"Oh boy little do you know.." Jimin mumbled so Yoongi didn't hear him.

"I should get going, Namjoon will be home soon." Yoongi walked towards the door and turned before leaving, "Bye you guys!" The other three said bye and Yoongi walked out and went home. He walked into the apartment and was immediately grabbed by his waist, a scream leaving his mouth.

"Hello baby boy!" Namjoon held Yoongi close to his body.

"You seem extra happy today." Yoongi smiled and stood on his toes so he could kiss Namjoon on the cheek.

"I get to babysit one of my friends child today."

"You like kids? Also which friend?"

"Yes I like kids. Also it Jackson's and Jinyoungs son. It'll be my first time meeting him. I think he's only 5 or 6."

"Oh boy. This will be interesting to see how you deal with a real child and not a little Mr. Kim."

"I'm pretty sure it's not that different Mr. Kim" Yoongi eyes widened at those last words. He looked up up Namjoon who was smirking with a raised brow, "So? Yes or no?" Namjoon held a ring between his fingers.

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