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Yoongi shot up, screaming slightly and heavy breaths escaping his mouth. He checked the time. 2:37 am. His knees slid up, the blanket sliding off his chest and hugged them, resting his head on top. His eyes started to burn as tears left. He burried his face between his chest and knees while trying to stay quiet, as to not wake Namjoon. He heard and felt the blanket moving. It was followed by a groggy voice, "Yoongi? Why are you up so late..?" Namjoon Sat up and looked at the smaller, "Look at me. Are you ok?" Namjoon placed his hand on the others head, gently moving it up. He noticed Yoongis tear stained cheeks and pulled him to his chest.

"D-daddy.. I-I.. y-you die-" The little started to cry harder as he gripped his daddy's shirt. Namjoon hushed Yoongis while stroking the littles hair. He kissed the other head.

"Its ok baby. I'm right here. Daddy's ok. You're ok." A hiccup escaped Yoongis lips.

"B-but daddy-"

"Daddy won't ever leave. Nothing can make daddy leave you. Daddy loves you no matter what and nothing will happen to me. Ok baby boy?" Yoongis shook his head and quicks breaths were leaving him. Namjoon rubbed his back and held his hand, "Calm down now. Your gonna pass out Prince." Yoongis burried his face into Nmajoons chest even more, "Do you want some juice baby?" Yoongis shook his head violently.

"I ju-juss wan daddy t-to stay."


Yoongi was leaning back in his chair. He was moved to the high school for his student teaching instead. He didn't exactly like teenagers since they never listened and hell, he didn't want to loose his temper with a 15 year old. The actual teacher was teaching some math equations then handed out homework. Yoongis phone buzzed in his back pocket and he pulled it out.

Daddy: Who's this person claiming to be your brother?

Yoongi: My brother. I'll explain later.

Please hide my little things daddy.

Daddy: Are you srsly in little space at work??

Yoongi: No but I felt like teasing you ;)

Daddy: God Yoongi...

Yoongi smirked slightly as he put his phone away. First bell rang nd around two or three kids left.

Yoongi walked into his home and almost fell, "Hey bro!" His younger brother hugged him as he staggered.

"Oh yay.. You're here.." His sibling let him go.

"You're still so cold. Even towards family." He smiled at Yoongi, "Anyways who's your roommate? Keeps saying your dating." 'Because we are..'  Yoongi thought to himself.

"He's a friend. Jokes around a lot."

"So you broke up with your boyfriend?"

"Sure..." Yoongi was already hating the fact that his little brother was here, "Namjoon! Let's go!" Namjoon looked at Yoongi confused. Yoongi furrowed his brows at Namjoon. Namjoon got the hint and got his shoes on.

"Where're you two going?"

"Don't worry about it. You're staying here though." Yoongi dragged Namjoon closed and closed the wooden door, leaning against it.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon was still slightly confused.

"He's my brother, who, like the rest of south Korea, Is a homophobic."

"Oh yay. This will be interesting, huh?"

"I want him gone.." Namjoon held both of Yoongis hands and kissed them.

"Come on baby. I'll get you candy." Namjoons words sent Yoongi straight into little space. Yoongi gripped Namjoons hands tighter. Both males started walking towards the elevator. "Are you ok baby?"

"Lil bro is a meanie. He hates you."

"Well that doesn't matter right now. Come on. I'll buy you whatever candy you want, but only five pieces of candy. I promise not to say no, even if it's king sized." Yoongi smiled big and dragged Namjoon out of the elevator once the elevator stopped.

The entered the store and Yoongi pulled Namjoon straight to the candy isle. Namjoon watched as the little had picked up two bags of cotton candy, a bag of gummy worms, and a king sized candy bar, "One more.." The little repeated this as he scanned the isle and picked out a box of nerds. He looked at Namjoon, "I want these ones."

"Let's go to checkout then prince." Namjoon pecked Yoongis forehead and took the candy from him.

"Ok daddy." Before they left the candy isle Yoongi saw a male and female looking at them with disgusted looks. Yoongi turned, wanting to leave asap, and followed Namjoon. He pulled his hand away and folded his arms. Namjoon knew something was off but waited until they left the store. They walked out, Namjoon trying to hold Yoongis hand again but the little keeping his hands to himself.

"Baby? What happened? Today doesn't seem like your day."

"Nothings wrong.."

"Baby I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Daddy will give you a special type of candy tonight if you tell him." Yoongi looked up at him confused.

"People think I'm gross."

"Why do you say that?" Namjoon spoke in a soft tone as Yoongi allowed him to hold his smaller hand. They continued to the apartment.

"There were two people in the store. They saw us before we left the candy isle and gave us bad looks." Namjoon rubbed Yoongis hand with his thumb.

"Well that's just what they think. And mean people like that don't matter. Ok? Your happiness is more important. If your happy the way you are then that's all that matters." Yoongi smiled a little, "I see that smile. Come on, show daddy more of it. It's his sunshine." Yoongi giggled and Namjoon smiled.

They arrived back at the apartment. When they entered it was quiet. Yoongi looked around and found a note,

Went to park to meet friends

Yoongi threw the note away as Namjoon set the bag on a nearby table, "So where's your brother?"

"Park." Yoongi walked over to Namjoon.

"You never told me he was coming."

"I never gave him permission. He's not imitated by me. I'll talk to him in the morning." Yoongi grabbed Namjoons shirt, pulling him down slightly. Their lips met, "Daddy. You said if I told you what was wrong you'd give me a special type of candy. I wanna try it."

"How long do you think he'll be gone?"

"Maybe two hours. Why?"

"That's long enough. Let's go so you can get your candy."

"Please daddy." Yoongi smirked as Namjoon deepened the kiss. Yoongi jumped up, wrapping his legs around Namjoons waist, Namjoon holding him by his thighs.

A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE AND THIS CHAPTER IS OVER 1000 WORDS!!!!!!!!!Hahahahahah.... my week has been so stressful.. I really want bts tickets but they go on sale tomorrow and my family doesn't have the money and my mom said it'll be a bday gift but my bday is the 8th and HHNNNNNNGGGGGG I'm pretty sure they'll be sold out by then soo yaayayayay. Tbh I don't think I'll ever see them live but oh well.

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