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Namjoon was resting on the couch, Yoongi in the bedroom, when there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" Namjoon could hear the door open, footsteps following after.

"Namjoon we're here to return the child! Forgot the receipt is that ok?" A light slap could be heard along with giggles from Jackson, "I'm kidding buddy! Don't kill me!" Namjoon got up and walked over, rolling his eyes. He saw Jackson, Jinyoung, and a little boy in Jinyoungs arms. The child clung onto his father's hand as he was set down. Namjoon crouched down and smiled at him.

"Hey there what's your name?" The boy looked confused, as if he was registering what the words meant.

"I-I'm Mark." The younger spoke in english before correcting his words, "Sorry! 안녕하세요! 마크에요, 반가워요. (Hello! I'm Mark, nice to meet you.)" Mark bowed slightly to the older male.

"I have some toys in the living room for you to play with." Mark smiled and nodded as Namjoon spoke in English.

"감사합니다.(Thank you.)" Mark walked past Namjoon and towards the items that were set out for the 6 year old. Namjoon stood up and looked at Jackson.

"Didn't realize you adopted an american child."

"I told y-"

"You told me you adopted a child. You never mentioned he was a foreigner." Jackson rolled his eyes as Jinyoung gave his husband a look, "Anyways you two have fun." Jackson and Jinyoung said goodbye and the door was shut. Namjoon walked back into the living room to see Yoongi sitting behind Mark, watching him colour. Namjoon felt his phone buzz and he checked it.

Wang-gae: So? What'd he say?

Namjoon: No.

Wang-gae: Sorry to hear that.

Namjoon: Its fine. He explained why.

Wang-gae: So you two are on good terms?

Namjoon: Yep. Now go back to you date night Jinyoung.

Wang-gae: How'd you know?

Namjoon: Jackson uses text words like u, sry, r, gud, etc.

Wang-gae: Not surprised.

Namjoon put his phone away and walked over to the two. He stood behind the couch quietly.

"Yoongi-hyung, what's your job?" Yoongi paused slightly before answering in English.

"I'm teacher." Mark laughed at the how the words were said. The younger stopped colouring and sat up on the couch next to Yoongi.

"Can we watch cartoons?" Yoongi nodded and went to youtube on the tv, finding SpongeBob in English for the younger. Yoongi stood up and walked to the kitchen. Namjoon followed. He noticed Yoongi was getting things out to make a sandwich for the child in the other room. He walked up behind Yoongi and watched what he was doing.

"You seem good with children."

"Of course I do. I work in a classroom of 5 year olds."

"Thought it was a middle school."

"It is." Namjoon chuckled slightly. Yoongi placed the sandwich on a plate as his phone rang. He handed the plate to Namjoon while answering the phone, "Go take this to him." Yoongi flinched at the yelling on the other line.

"Hyung!!! Guess what!!" 'Oh great lil bro..' Yoongi thought to himself.

"Stop yelling loud mouth. What do you want?"

"I'm coming over next week." His eyes widened.

"Um, no you are not Min Jaewon."

"Um, yes I sure am Min Yoongi-hyung."

"What about school?"

"Break time." Namjoon walked back into the kitchen, "So, do you have a girlfriend yet? Is that why I can't come over? Are you embarrassed of your younger sibling."

"I've told you I don't have a girlfriend. I have a boyfriend." His younger sibling laughed on the other end.

"You're a male Yoongi-hyung. Guys can't date guys. Nice joke though. You actually told a good one for the first time." Yoongi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated, "Oh shi- You're serious." Namjoon walked over slightly concerned on why Yoongi was irritated.

"Baby who are you talking to?" Yoongi heard his brother groan on the other end.

"Hyung. Break up with him. You know what you're doing is bad. It's not ok Yoongi. You're a teacher for Christ sake you should know what's wrong and what's right." Yoongis younger brother hung up. He put his phone facing down on the counter.

"It was my younger brother. Don't worry about it Joonie. You need to go to the store for dinner. I'll watch Mark." Namjoon held Yoongis hands and kissed him.

"If you're hungry I could fix that." Namjoon earned a slap on the arm for that one. The kiss had started soft and sweet but became passionate and heated. Namjoon moved Yoongis head and kissed down his jawline and to his neck.

"Namjoon.. No. There's a child in the next room.."

"Keep quiet then baby." Yoongi lifted a hand and bit onto his knuckle as Namjoons hands roamed the others body. Yoongi rested his other hand on Namjoons shoulder. Namjoon started to slide his hand under Yoongis shirt but both jumped when Mark yelled.

"Yoongi-hyung! Come here!" Namjoon was hesitant but stopped.

"Continue later?"

"Nice try hot shot. Go to the store." Yoongi walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

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