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Yoongi walked into his home only to see him, clearly straddling Namjoon. Yoongi walked over and pushed the older male off his boyfriend, "Get the fuck out of my place Seokjin. I've told you you're not allowed." Jin rolled his eyes as he stood.

"You're just jealous that I'm more handsome and that's why Namjoon loves me instead of you." Yoongi made a fist, ready to hurt the older.

"If you don't get out now I'll break you're pretty lil face." Jin left before blowing a kiss to Namjoon. Yoongi turned to Namjoon, "You can get out as well." Namjoon stood, clearly hurt.

"Let me explain-"

"Kim Namjoon, if you don't fucking leave right now.." His words faded off. Namjoon looked ready to cry meanwhile Yoongi already started. Without saying anything Namjoon left. Yoongi fell to the floor once the door shut. He started shaking as sobs left his mouth.

Namjoon had went out with Jackson and Taehyung. Namjoon kept mumbling swears to himself most of the time, "So Jin-hyung threatened to out Yoongi-hyung and frame him for murder?" Namjoon nodded at Jacksons words.

"And to prevent that so you wouldn't loose Yoongi-hyung-" Namjoon cut off Taehyung. The cold air making him shiver slightly.

"Jin wanted me to fuck him." Jackson groaned but then he started laughing. Taehyung looked at him with a glare since it wasn't a good time while Namjoon thought he went crazy.

"You- you really think Yoongi hates you huh?"

"No shit sherlock." Namjoon looked ready to backhand Jackson.

"Look." Jackson handed Namjoon his phone.

Scarymidget: Where's Namjoon?

Namjoon gave Jackson a look, "You know you're only taller by an inch right?"

"Just read." Jackson rolled his eyes.

Scarymidget: Is he ok?

Scarymidget: I know ur with him.

Scarymidget: Answer me.

Scarymidget: Stop leaving me on read.

Scarymidget: Tell him i'm sorry.

Scarymidget: Please bring him home idc if he's drunk.

Scarymidget: Is he hurt?

Scarymidget: Does he hate me?

Scarymidget: Dammit Jackson I know ur seeing these.

Scarymidget: Please tell him to turn on his phone

Scarymidget: Ignore tht last msg it's on the damn nightstand

"Never seen him so needy." Taehyung chuckled at some of the messages. A message appeared from Jinyoung.

LittlePrince: Daddy come home~ Mark and Kunpimook are sleeping❤️❤️

"Ooo~ What's this?" Taehyung tapped the notification.

"What's wh- Nononononono!" Jackson quickly swiped his phone from Namjoons hands, turning it off, "Not allowed for you're eyes."

"Oh my god I know what that's about Jackson." Jacksons phone vibrated and Taehyung saw another from Jinyoung that had a photo attached. Jackson shot Taehyung a glare and Namjoon stood up.

"I'm going before this gets ugly." Taehyung and Jackson said goodbye and Taehyung smirked. Namjoon knew what Taehyung was about to say so he quickly walked away.

"Taehyung don't you dare." Taehyung cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Jackson Wang stop sending nu-!" Jackson attacked Taehyung, covering his mouth.

"Look who's talking!"

"No- proof!"

"Explain Jimins and Jungkooks messages then!"

Namjoon walked into the shared apartment. The lights were still off from when he left, leaving it pitch black. He walked to the bedroom, "Yoongi?" Arms wrapped around his waist. He felt the olders head on his back. Words were spoken but were inaudible, "I can't hear you when you mumble baby." Yoongi moved his head slightly.

"You know I still love you, right daddy?"

"Of course I do."

"Then..." Yoongi's arms fell and he sighed. Namjoon turned around to face the little, "Let's break up."


"Namjoon we both know you love Jin. He's clearly head over heels for you-"

"I don't love-"

"Namjoon that wasn't the first time I caught you with him."

"You never let me-"

"There's nothing to explain. I've caught you twice with the same person. I'll let you stay here though until you find-" Namjoon grabbed Yoongi by the shoulders, shaking the smaller slightly.

"Min Yoongi you have no idea how much those words just killed me inside. I love you. Little or not. Teacher or not. Hell if you committed a crime I'd take the blame and go to jail for you. I could care less if you shot or stabbed me. I'd still love you. I've proposed to you, correct? Why would I love someone else if I bought the ring just for you?" Silence followed as Yoongi looked at the ground, "Baby boy please answer me. Please. Come on. You can't stay mad at daddy forever. Can you prince?" Namjoon held Yoongi's upper arms gently, scared to hurt the little any more than he already has. He heard small hiccups and felt even worse, "No no no. Baby don't cry." Namjoon pulled Yoongi into a tight hug. One of his hands rubbed the littles' back while the other was on Yoongis' head. More hiccups followed and Yoongi gripped tightly onto Namjoons shirt, his tears soaking the front.

"I- hate- you- s-so m-much daddy." Namjoon shushed Yoongi and kissed his head.

"I know. You can hate daddy all you want. I've been an asshole. I've said this before and it's cheesy but I won't let it happen again." Yoongis' hiccups ceased but the tears didn't.

"P-pwomise?" Namjoon could tell he was slowly falling deeper into little space. Namjoon lifted Yoongis' head and kissed both of his closed eyes.

"Promise suga pie." Yoongi smiled slightly and hugged Namjoon tighter. His eyes closed as he rested his head on Namjoons' chest. Namjoons' phone screen lit up from a text. He ignored it, only wanting to give attention to his little and no one else.

A/N: I'm working on a Yoonseok fanfic. All I'm giving away is that it's titled Two Sad Teens

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