Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us

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The following day after the show, the band decided to visit a restaurant for dinner. It was a nice, cosy restaurant; it specifically stuck out to them because it reminded them of a restaurant they would frequently visit in Jersey. Being on tour was difficult, but they had such a blast doing what they were incredibly passionate about, so the positive feelings demolished the negatives. Like wolves hunting for foxes, they sat down and flew through the menus.
"Yeah, I think i'll have the calzone." said Gerard, as the waitress tore her notepad out of her apron.
"Can I get a hamburger, please?" Ray licked his lips as the words passed through them.
"I'll have a salad." Mikey said, and consequently the other guys began to chuckle.
"Salad?! Salads are for weaklings! I'll have a STEAK!" Frank mocked, despite him being shorter than the others by a mile.
"At least I don't have the height of a newborn." Mikey murmured, smirking.
The gang then forwarded their insulting laughing chorus to Frank.
"Hehe, that's right, shortass," Bob chuckled. "Can I get a meatlovers pizza, thanks," he added.
"Great! I'll give your orders to the chefs now." the waitress said, kindly.
"I gotta use the mens room." Gerard remarked, getting out of his seat and glancing around the room for an indication of where the toilets were.
"Me too, wait up, G!" Frank called, pointing him in the right direction.

Once they entered the bathrooms, Gerard entered a cubicle and expected Frank to do the same. However, once he came out, Frank was stood patiently in the same spot he was before.
"What are you doing Frankie?" asked a bewildered Gerard.
"Waiting for you!" said Frank, trying to create a chilled voice. He didn't want to sound too desperate.
Like a vampire feasting on a neck, Frank began to passionately kiss Gerard until he could no longer breathe. For that was all he wanted, everyday and every night. He wanted to soak into this man's presence, he wanted to spend all of his time with him. He was obsessed with him, he could no longer wait. He needed Gerard in order to breathe, in order for his heart to beat sufficiently. Without him, Frank was nothing - he was so attached to him that he would do all that had to be done to keep them inseparable. He couldn't keep his hands off him.

Meanwhile, back at the table, Ray grew suspicious when they hadn't returned. Since he has an intelligent mind, he put his magical weapon to the test and began brainstorming ideas as to why his guitar string got snapped, and was determined to link it to this.
"Maybe they're fucking." Bob laughed, with a mouthful of fries.
The only one that didn't laugh, though, was Ray. He thought it was a pretty plausible idea.
"Maybe the boogie-man swam through the air and snapped your string with his gremlin teeth. Woooh!" Mikey chuckled, doing an impression of a ghost.

Back in the bathroom, however, the heat was rising.
Gerard contemplated whether or not to end the bit of fun, and finally decided to do the right thing. He pushed away immediately.
"Frank, what we did in the bus... it was a mistake. I love Lindsey, and anyway, i'm not gay. Goodbye Frank." Gerard said, pulling open the door and slaying his way out as hurriedly as possible. Frank did not follow; his heart was laying loosely from a string, the probability of it breaking was high. He had never felt this way about anyone before: such deep intimacy, lust, love and obsession. This man was all he had, all he wanted. And he knew he would get him somehow, even if he'd have to turn brutal for his needs to be fulfilled.

Dangerous Territory: Frank Iero & Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now